Where are thee priests in thee white coats?
Do y’know E can’t even remember when it started, E just seem to have been going round and round in circles for ever. And there’s been different women along thee way but E have gained nothing, except knowing who thee fuck E am, a loser, a nobody, a dreamer, a fool, all ov these and more, E have always taken everything E can get, why buy when you can steal? , Why sleep when you can speed? , But in thee same breath E give all or most to thee girl that E love, E try my hardest to be or do everything for her, which kinda sends E mad sometimes ‘cause E don’t agree inside, E have always thought there were two sides to a person and mine can exist at thee same time, it gets confusing and frustrating when E know, being in thee right position, E could have it all but never finding it or fighting for it just taking thee Sagittarian approach and waiting for it, trusting my own dumbfounded luck, which in retrospect to my sins, will never turn good, as you see E just go round and round, never getting to thee ultimate goal ov contentment, E would love to be content, sometimes E wish, E wasn’t like E am then maybe, E would be content and could go on living my life thee true way, fulfilled. Numbers mean a lot to me, my birth date another bad sign? 12/12/66 (1+2+1+2=6, 66=66) frightening to me, nonsense to others, at least if E was truly bad E wouldn’t have to be scared, to go out and do thee things E would like to do, cowardice in thee psychopathic insane world that’s in my head, E would just like to be remembered, E don’t believe E have had my fifteen minutes yet, E write thee songs, E dream thee dreams, thee immaculate conception, thee story ov my life, to do a job E enjoy, to not be bored, to feel wanted, to feel CONTENT. E try to explain, E try to justify…..but another salt tear grows under my eyes, E wait, E want E am. E can’t believe in god, E can’t live my life in that way (that he wants), if E did E would be bored, this isn’t life on earth, it’s hell, thee devils moved up a floor, when they say you go to hell, E believe you are just reincarnated to do it all over again, thee trials and tribulations ov a life fiend, good-bad, right-wrong, white-black, rich-poor, yes-no, up-down, sense…this doesn’t make sense, it’s just thee ramblings ov an ill-conceived poet, thee last words ov a teenage rebellion, thee epitaph on thee tomb ov discontent, LOVE-SEX-LIFE-DEATH, E warned you it would come to this, thee day has come, thee insanity prevails, where are thee priests in thee white coats? (Lost time zone)
E have seed
Yet another camp ov decadence, breaks through thee living hell, reveals another exit, at freedoms door we dwell, post-human liberation, thee rebirth ov thee death, ov control manipulation, thee only exit left, E am thee punishment child, E am submissive to thee s.m.i.l.e, E am my punishment child, E am submissive to my smile, thee impulse ov disgrace ov love, give chance thee space to breathe, where time is always long enough, and nature spills thee seed, E live to give what E can grow, in petals ov all sin, when all have breached thee exit, then all can be within, E am thee ritual child, E am thee ritual s.m.i.l.e, E am my ritual child, E am my ritual smile.(09/12/91)
Questioning society
If thee devil is god in exile, does it mean we resurrect? If drugs are spiritual gambling, does it mean we hedge a bet? If LSD is thee revelation, is death thee final trip? If eve was the very first to sin, are women sinners hip? If you’re smoking certain items, and you inhale thee breath ov hell, we know you lose reality; do you lose your soul as well? If you’re spiking life into you, and it flows into your mind, do you lose respectability, on a lonely plain up high? E am feeling rather mellow and E discuss things to myself, weighing up thee pro’s and cons, ignoring my own health, working out why E am here, and what E have got to do, not to tell you what to do, or just to preach thee rules, when you’re looking round your lonely room, do you pray to take your life? Or are you that much older now, not a teenage suicide? Will Jesus Christ arrive again, to vanquish devils child? Or do we exist in agony? And watch thee dark one rise? You can’t explain my concepts, but have E made you think? Did E blow your mind away? Or did E score a hit? Wet dreams about my lyrical? My thoughts inspire your dreams? You’ll never know thee answer; you’ll know not what E mean, E am questioning, E am questioning, E am questioning, society, do you understand my reasoning? Will you ever be completely free?
A sympathy for thee devil (ooh, ooh) (1988)
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