Fear is gone, fear is gone, now all E see is darkness, it’s not healthy, it’s not healthy, and we have no light, does not exist, does not exist, E guess it’s just not real, so lonely and so cold outside but inside E still feel. Continuation ov thee experiment, E test myself for shock, virginal reproduction, now E must remember dreams, my genetic bulletins, information classifies, better to transfer them to us than hide them all inside, shame on you defiling, hungry little minds, blood stained glass ov silver, you procreate our lives, puncturing thee virgin eggs, mechanical genocide, wiping out thee only thing we all are born to find. Your in abstract ov thee reference system in your brain, it’s so hard to communicate, do you not see what E am sane, propagate your will like thee spread ov your disease, look from every angle so to comprehend with ease, nature cannot be denied with virtually no obsession, so tantric rituals make us fuck to aid in our aggression, for thee moment define your feelings on scale ov one to ten, those that do not reach thee top need more investigating. Do you want to touch me? Nature’s eternal law, me E want to touch you, how many will ignore? Don’t you wish to feel me? Natures eternal law, me E want to feel you, in one magickal roar, your under my orders and E under your law, your under my orders and E under your law, your under my orders and E under your law, your under my orders, your law says go to war, no more, no more, no more, no more, hibernate from war, hibernate from law, thee spring will be thee call, thee breaking ov thee rules. We defy your reservation, we ate thee sacred fruit, and do we hold significance? For speaking ov thee truth, thee floors illuminated, reflection ov thee sky, we forgot all you had told us and remembered to ask why? Do you protest in thee name ov science? Do you protest in thee name ov god? Do you protest in thee name ov decency? E protest in thee NAME OV LOVE. A provocation ov response, a provocation ov response, a provocation ov response, a response ov provocation, thee insane provocation, natures eternal law, thee will to survive, free to choose our lives, what will be was once before, did you forget? A healthy body lives and acts, a sick body considers itself, dubious experiments E demonize my he-art! (09/12/91)
“That which is allowed exists. Allowing no limits. There are no limit…that which is allowed exists. That which exists is allowed. To allow no limits. There are no limits. No limits allowed, no limits exist … in thee province ov thee mind there are no limits. In thee province ov thee mind what is believed to be true is true or becomes true. There are no limits” –Doctor John Lilly
"And it's time to go baby take a ride, to thee furthest shore, to thee other side"-Thee Shamen
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