He who seeks thee knowledge must lead me, it is E who seeks thee knowledge and here is thee knowledge you seek. …Search thy self, self-search, re-search self, self re-search. How can you know thy will if you do not know thyself? Thyself, thy will, thy will thy self, self- will, true-will, love-will be eternal, love-has been eternal, love is eternal.
Thee more you find thee more you seek, thee more you seek thee more you find, interest sparks drive, drive sparks interest, thee spider weaves thee web ov time and traps us in reality, reality is a trap weaved by thee spider on thee web ov time, each to his faith, each to his fate. Thee wolf will never be tamed while thee moon is in thee sky. (26/02/91)
“Pursuing thee religious life today without using psychedelic drugs is like studying astronomy with thee naked eye” –Timothy Leary
“We’re all insane when it comes to confronting ourselves” –Al Hubbard
Fort Apocalypse
Have you lost your mind yet? To thee relentless slaughter, let’s leave thee planet, E don’t wanna be down here, see all thee suffering children and there shattering dreams, see all thee zombie mind parents with there M.A.D war machines, see all thee animals tortured through no fault ov their own, see all thee unemployed families face life without homes, see no one enjoying what they have to do, see no one determined to sort lies out from truth, see air cannot breathe it, see sun in thee sky, see water cannot drink it and no one asks why?, see death and destruction and can’t see no trees, man hasn’t a cure, man is thee disease, and fort apocalypse is burning.(24/04/93)
Free in your sea
E was feeling fine, E was out ov my mind, went and stood by thee tree, saw thee lights in thee sky, got myself in a trance, took thee fist from my mouth, like an all knowing dream, turned myself inside out, heard thee power ov sound through thee force ov thee ground, like an electric storm in thee cold E felt warm, and thee music was fine took me up for a ride, flew me through inner skies with thee language ov your eyes, saw thee pictures ov you, read your thoughts and your words, wanted you to be here in thee depths ov thee world, like thee roots ov a tree you are a part ov me, there are visions to see in thee sea ov your dreams, E was feeling kool, E was out ov your rules, saw thee blue ladies form golden spirals into, a feeling ov oneness and no kind ov numbness, thee earth and thee mountain, thee eternal fountain, and reminders ov you constantly coming through, you are here in my head and in all things E said, E am free in your sea , E am finally me, and when all’s said and done this is our kind ov fun, saw thee pictures ov you, read your thoughts and your words, know that you can be here in thee depths ov thee world, like thee roots ov life tree you are a part ov me, there are visions to be in thee sea ov your dreams.(20/10/97)
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