E Love Lucy
Kaleidoscope doodles in red and green, Lucy’s playing in thee dream machine, an angel weeping on a mirrored floor, a purple lion with a feedback roar, a hell in heaven with those snow white flames, reversed reflections in my mind again, a taste so bitter with a smell so sweet, an electric experience you just can’t beat, yes E love Lucy, such a great light show, yes E love Lucy, thee colours always glow, yes E love Lucy, you laugh and then you cry, yes E love Lucy, cause it’s thee only way to die, a Jesus reaction, holy trinity, a guaranteed collision with thee light you’ll see, a conception so vast it reaches outer space, a real mind fucker for thee human race, E can’t wait for thee re-runs, E can’t wait for thee re-runs, E can’t wait for thee re-runs, E can’t wait for thee re-runs, E love Lucy, its what she does to me. (1989)
Thee welcome
Welcome to my twilight world, where all is seen and all is heard, welcome to thee knowledge ov old, your soul is silver, mind is gold, welcome to thee dawn ov time, all legends exist, all talk is rhyme, welcome to thee miracle ov thee age, you’re free to groove, you’re free to rave, welcome to thee colours ov your brain, you live between deranged and sane, welcome to those who know this land, for you’re thee few that understand, thee welcome. (1990)
Drug tales
When we first met, we dropped it, we’ve been dropping ever since, but E love you like a brother, and E need you on a trip, E don’t see you all that often, but its nice to have you round, and we tell ov things discovered, when our feet aren’t on thee ground, well some succeed and some will fail, but there’s just no competition with our drug tales, when you’re off thee wall and off thee rails, you can find thee answers with…..drug tales, when we first discovered jelly and ov how so much it meant, and thee leaping off thee train, and thee shaking ov thee leg, we tell ov all thee casualties, we meet at festivals, we sing ov acid heaven and we scream ov acid hell, there’s no morals to these stories, cause no morals can exist, in psychedelic dreamscape, in a purple orange mist, but thee stories will continue, for ever and a day, cause we live for these adventures, in an acid blasted haze. (For thee buzz) (1989)
Soul ov many colours
E found my soul at thee edge ov thee road, it sure was thee strangest thing, all naked and wet and to touch so ice cold, it could only be a heavenly gift, so E tended and breathed more life into it, gave it a coat ov many colours, and now it shines thee guide light for me, E am now equipped to teach all others, cause E am flying with my soul ov many colours, flying with my soul ov many colours, flying with my soul ov many colours, E am flying with my soul ov many colours, don’t listen to politics, it just ain’t no good, thee only person to trust is yourself, and if you like getting drunk then you’re just wasting your time, why don’t you take LSD and re-open your mind, my soul is psychedelic, my soul is Jesus’ son, my soul is anti-war, my soul is anti-guns, my soul is Lennon Manson, my soul is hear to see, my soul is perfect pleasure, my soul, my soul is me, don’t be scared to dress to express yourself, only you decides what’s right or wrong, if you follow like a sheep, you’ve misplaced your soul, and your life will mean nothing to no-one, everyone’s a pure conception, we were not designed thee same, we were never born to be alike, and when thee sun comes up and thee tabs go down, you’ll be pleased to know that E am right, move to create your art, cause your art is gold, its thee only thing life is about, tell ov all experience and memories, and eliminate all fear and doubt, everyone’s their own boss, we don’t need no leaders, we don’t need no laws or forced control, we don’t need to kill or maim or hurt our fellow man, all we need is a beautiful soul. (Ov many colours)(In myriad ov neon) (1989)
Sunshine people
E was feeling kinda low, needed to cheer myself up, so E took in a breath ov fresh air and a sweet pick me up, and all ov a sudden its such a beautiful day, thee sky is royal blue and all thee clouds blew away, thee sun is beaming knowledge to all those in thee know, its such a beautiful day in this land where E go, thee flowers are all purple and thee grass is so green, E only thought a world like this existed in dreams, thee hedgerows splintered yellow, thee singing ov birds, a moment such as this cant be explained with just words, so wont you join me? So won’t you join me? It’s all so easy, it’s all so easy, where we can be free, where we can be free, oh won’t you join me? Oh won’t you join me? And if all thee sunshine people could be here with me, can you imagine all thee sights and sounds that we could all see? (1989)
Dope, fags, booze, trips, dope, fags, booze, trips, dope, fags, booze, trips, a little bit ov speed, dope, fags, booze, trips, dope, fags, booze, trips, dope, fags, booze, trips, is everything E need. Degeneration against frustration. (1990)
Dance for good reason
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