Mondo zombie hashish
Rock stone, vibro, massage torture, makes you bleed and scream, in a muddy ritual punishment, her cunt becomes unclean, roped bodies in thee jungle mire, thee corpse floats down thee stream, her mind is not only open now, so is her head and spleen, well do thee shake and die, well do thee shake and die, tear off someone’s dick and poke out fourteen eyes (that will put thee freshness back). Noddy is a nudie boy, his big nosed, big eared friend, played baseball bat upon his brain, splattered blackberries was his end, thee long stick cannibal manoeuvres come, their penises swing left to right, and they want mine for a jungle hot-dog, to eat in snacks at night. (1991)
Thoughts awakening
You filled our land with bombs and drowned our seas with waste; you wonder why we’re sitting here, brim-filled with so much hate? You burnt down all our forests to build your sky-scrape world, with all our creatures dying and still you have not learned, now all thee dead seals have filled thee sea, you’re polluting life away from me, you’ve cut off your nose to spite your face, and you’re slowly killing thee human race, you invented aerosols and took away our sky, and if thee sun was within your reach, you’d take away our light, we mourn for Mother Nature, she is turning in her grave, if only you would realise, you could unseal our fate, you’ve cut up all our classes, built walls between our creeds, so now we fight amongst ourselves, when there just is no need, you’ve destroyed our religion, you’ve legally blasphemed, you’ve turned our lifestyle inside out and took away our dreams, now all thee dead seals have filled thee sea, you’re polluting life away from me, you’ve cut off your nose to spite your face, and you’re slowly killing thee human race, these are my thoughts awakening, these are my thoughts awakening, these are my thoughts, awakening my thoughts, awakening. (1988)
You’ve got a nerve, thee common enemy, thee nerves, and E know it may seem that E am on my own, you’re never alone thee sublimation zone, E wait for God and E wait for you, but my karma never speaks thee truth, and E condone God as E pray for bad, that’s why thee life E live is such a drag, and E long for sin and E long for truth, but E will never reach thee break on through, thee other side well is it really there? Would it make a difference if E really cared? Outlawed pleasure beyond every measure, thee acid casualties, brain twisting, soul destroying, mind fucking, time warping, you’ll never understand where E am coming from, and you’ll never reach where E am going to, belief + fear= control, stop believing, stop hiding, stop thee law, stop thee world, stop thee life, stop. (Lost time zone)
Someone’s got to save us, save us from ourselves, and we’re thee only ones who can do it, we are capable, as long as we have each other, we are righteous, as long as we do it together, we are possible, if we communicate with each other, lay your hands down to each other, submit to each other, we will grow more powerful in this and only this belief, dissipate thee power for a better community, bust thee borders for a freer society, thee only thing we have to fear is fear itself, unconditional love for everyone, accept thee exceptions, believe in thee impossible, it can come true, if we want it to, if we let it, if we let our current situation go, if we trust each other with all ov our lives and feelings, it is all there for thee taking, and it belongs to us, if only we could remember, what is was to be a unified humanity, born free ov money.
For this is our future, together and liberated, and for all for all time, for all time for all, this is our reason for existence, thee further you run from it, thee closer you get to it, we were born to be together, as one, under thee sun, drink deep from thee rivers that run deep, hold on to each other, comfort each other, learn to accept this basic truth, because until you do, we have to live with all thee mistakes and consequences ov not living in thee way we were meant to, no one is allowed to ignore it, no one gets out alive, but we can get out together, and it is time. (2006)
Soundscapes Xplained
Soundscapes are landscapes masquerading as states ov mind, E provide thee subject and thee sound, you supply thee pictures and thee conclusion. Change is subject to action; action is subject to change, make ov it what you will. Go on a journey into yourself through me, and E will be part ov a journey into you, working together, linking together, our love cancer will grow and fester, infecting as you will. A scream is a dream, but it is a dream which eats a dream, a dream is a scream but it is a scream which eats a scream, thee age ov thee atrocities preceded thee golden age which led to thee invention ov music. If you feel lonely…shake a hand today. (05/08/91)
E hear what E say when E smell that look, wrong thinking when E concentrate or watch thee book, be calm, be still, look deeper inside, instinctively knowing what is truth from thee lies, instinctively knowing who has gave, who has took, E hear what E say when E smell that look. (07/08/91)
His waters touch all knowledge, a memory pool ov consciousness, energy equals force, force equals, power equalled, my differences are my equal, E am equal in my differences, words are spoken and felt, but words are not one and only, every word spoken is heard, even thee ones in my head and in yours and in those who speak thee wordless language, thee true thoughts are heard, without words, and thee true visions are seen without eyes. True feelings are felt out ov body, true life wont be known ‘til we die, true highs can be found in thee earth, true lies can be found up above, true love is an internal feeling because truth is your only true love. (07/08/91)
Only my body is in prison, my mind is free, E can go where E want to, no walls can hold me, thee spirit moves where it wants to and E move with thee spirit, thee spirit moves with me, and all you have to do is believe, really believe yourself, faith in yourself, transcend thee matter and sense thee real you E D.O, E D.I.D, E D.O, E D.I.D, and don’t let yourself down. Step out ov thee confines ov logic and into thee arena ov faith, Drugs Orgy, Drugs Influenced Dream, but faith nonetheless. (07/08/91)
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