Epitaph to humanity-London 1990
Why do people stumble so blindly through life? E am a member ov a race ov very stupid and very lazy people, with our limited intelligence we used to make wonderful machines, for entertainment, to improve our workload and for travel, now what do we make? Machines that will wipe our own race completely off thee planet and probably take thee planet with it, god E don’t think you knew what you were doing, E mean, E have had to live with all this shit with no chance ov bettering myself, in a world that lives for greed and power, while E am happy with music and art, and opening my mind to new experiences, and yeah sure E would like a house ov my own and all that but E am never gonna get one, if thee goddamned yuppies cant pay off their mortgages how thee hell can E ever get one? It’s a no-hope situation but E ain’t no loser, E will just get by thee best E can ‘til Armageddon saves me from this frustration and regret at what my so-called race has done to this planet, this galaxy and worst ov all, to each other. E would love to end this epitaph to humanity with thee old Dr spock phrase “live long and prosper” but E think that’s being a little bit optimistic for a worthless race ov paranoid psychopaths (and that’s normality) why are thee killer drugs legal? And hashish and LSD outlawed? It makes no sense to me but plenty to them, because these drugs make you think! They breed revolution and civil unrest because they give you a taste ov heavenly freedom, we no longer want control just understanding. (Who would want to lead these useless examples ov humanity anyway?) Acid, peace and anarchy. (12/03/90)
Thee age
What’s thee boy doing with thee pigs? Is that normal? Its normal to hear E said, E have never guessed thee meaning ov it all, they wanted to be free ov their masters, so they went a little hungry, but they did not starve. Where’s thee boy? Hot on thee wire, where’s thee boy? electrical fire, has thee dog eaten this morning? He keeps circling thee dish, that’s another matter, his minds not on thee game, its getting to thee age, thee consciousness has raised, its getting to thee age, let instinct have its say, E thought it strange it went thee wrong way. (From a caterpillar comes thee butterfly) (17/07/91)
Childs tomorrow (alpine fire)
White corpse father, widowed mother, pregnant incestuous sister, incestuous brother, death and dumb and what for thee child ov sorrow? Where is thee child’s tomorrow? And what for thee child ov sorrow? Will you ever see your tomorrow? Your father murdered his father, what hope for a killers spawn, and all because ov moral, ov religious hate for love, where is thee child’s tomorrow? Is this song already sung? (17/07/91)
E feel this hate E have for you, E thought it false but it is true, E feel this hate E feel for you, E very nearly died for you, E will forgive, if you will give, E will forgive, if you will give, freedom, peace, autonomy, for everyone, for you and me, if you give, E will forgive, if you give, E will forgive, but E will not forget, E will never forget, because what is forgotten has to be relearned, but E will not forget, E will never forget, because if E forget, then E shall have to return, its real this hate, E have for you, E thought it false but know its true, its real this hate, its real for you, you tried to make me do what E don’t wanna do, E will forgive, if you will give, but E will not forget, E will never forget, thee hate E feel, for all E will never forget. (18/07/91)
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