I suddenly became strangely inebriated. The external world
became changed as in a dream. Objects appeared to gain inrelief;
they assumed unusual dimensions; and colors became more glowing.
Even self-perception and the sense of time were changed. When the
eyes were closed, colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing
kaleidoscope. After a few hours, the not unpleasant inebriation,
which had been experienced whilst I was fully conscious, disappeared.
what had caused this condition?
- - Albert Hofmann
- - Laboratory Notes (1943)
If this is god’s state, then in what state is god! Magick is my self expression, magick is my art, magick is a part ov my conscious, magick ov thee heart, magick is not anti-christian, magick has no rules, magicks for your own experience, magicks not for fools, love is my self expression, love is my art, love is a part ov my conscious, love is ov thee heart, love is not anti-christian, love it has no rules, love is for your own experience, love is not for fools, magick is love, love is magick, magick ov love, love ov magick, magick love, love magick, well meaning people are misled by lies, well meaning people should open their eyes, life can be mystery, life can be fun, life can be natural when based on love, life can be special, life can be more, life can be everyone, life can be yours. (19/08/91)
Noise and tension, beyond detention, hysterical screaming, inside out, industry oppression, no comprehension, manic depression, outside in, screaming metal, skin and bone, torturous repetition, here and now, frustration sparks, no way home, strange existence, pain from loud, screaming sheering, through my ears, thee silence echoed perversely, thee sugar dripped, thee colours showered, in thee industrial schoolboy nursery, can silence hear? And can darkness see? (20/08/91)
“He who has a why to live can bear with almost anyhow” –Nietzsche
“Man is born free but is everywhere in chains” –Rousseau
Remember, remember…
Thee world outside so cold and grey, inside E sit smoking time away, my innocence lost deep inside my head, E question everything that E ever said, my heart is aching pain and E need to feed, my body is polluted with what E can’t see, my world is turning upside down but E am not afraid, E know E am only living through one ov those days and E am looking to thee future as E learn from thee past, and E am looking for a love that is open to chance, and E am searching for a friend that is a friend in deed, and E am calling for thee movement that will set us all free because time is as short as thee day is long, and no-one seems to know where E am coming from, because thee day is at hand if you know what E mean and thee time has come to liberate all our dreams. (1992)
Tomorrow’s chance
Speak friend and enter, thee watcher in thee water, thee drumming from thee deep, in happiness they weep, thee last chance ov tomorrow, another day away, to free us from thee sorrow, E sit inside its gaze, thee shadows ov thee future, thee prophets ov thee past, thee timeless thoughts ov whisper, from now was built to last, in echoes ov thee torture ov those who seen and saw, and spirit never failed them, though many would ignore, in front ov you thee answers they stare within your face, teach yourself to look in vain sub-conscious to be taste, tales ov were and are and will and all reflect thee same, as above as is below all names within a name, love is as despair in here and earth is as ov air, water becomes fire there and conscience has no care, to freedom ov reality ov time ov life ov space, to chaos in thee harmony, thee top is as thee bass, thee place where dreams and nightmares meet, where all is one is all, where knowledge is a deadly friend and E can catch my fall, onwards to tomorrow to live tomorrows chance, there is always a tomorrow where life and love enhance, backwards through thee future, forward to thee past, onwards to tomorrow to live tomorrows chance. (08/12/91)
Thee saviours are my people, my people are thee saviours, all people are my people, my people are all people, lead us to thee gates ov our land, lead us to thee gates ov our land, lead us by thee join-ed hand, hand in hand across thee land, onwards to thee promised land, onwards to tomorrows land, back to thee forgotten land, forward to thee future man, thee land ov thee man, thee man ov thee land, wohuman land we stand hand in hand, onwards to thee only land, wohuman tomorrows land, let your body breathe, let your body breathe, breathing ov thee land, onward like thee seed onto thee land ov OV, E hold you responsible for all that happens now, E am but thee spoke within what E have spoke. They burn thee homes ov peoples more ancient than their own, they stamp their new religion where people lived their own, great conquests ov control they tore apart thee land, but always deep inside me E feel thee ancient man, and she is strong, she is thee snake, she is chaos in thee heart ov woman, she beats, ov me. Mans memory is brief and finds it hard to survive time, except in songs. (08/12/91)
“Its a strange desire to seek power & to lose liberty or to seek power over others & to lose power over a mans self”-Francis Bacon
“Human beings and all living things are filled with a kind ov energy that until recently hasn’t been known to western science”-Zdenek Rejdak and Karl Drbal
Have you just injected my bottom with LSD? Blinded by love into thee scheme ov things, eight circles ov life into time E spoke, 40 days and nights in a single stroke, waiting for a sign on thee judgement line, all thee punishment E have never been so sublime, backwards over falling as E drink my reign, E splendour in humiliation live for thee pain, and within see for ever and shall all-ways search, my body is my temple and my mind is my church, E can be me inside my TV, E can be me inside my TV, E am now and inside me, E can be on my TV, E am now and inside me, E can be on my TV, E have got a TV eye on me, E have got a TV eye on me, E am me on my eye TV, E am me on my eye TV, can you see thee real me? On my TV, on my TV, in me, in me, TV. Walls ov time are fought and lost, wars ov time are fought and won, regret brings de-spair, E love thee taste ov fear, speed is essential, remember thine end, who are you? My only friend? Within speak E man!
Nightshade pandemonium, ride thee carousel, quite mad within thee thunder, one sound within thee rain, where are you to now be found? Hidden in lies ov carnival, tragedy in fantasy, nightmare ov thee pure, nightshade pandemonium, taste love in deaths door. (23/12/91)
E speak ov thee future, ov lamron-yan thee spirit ov self-expression, E who brings E what thou wilt and descends and rises from within, your true self. E is thee spirit within thee spirit, thee guardian ov evolon and mode-erfon, who spins thee circle ov chaos in thee existence ov thee infinite o-dew, o-dew, o-dew, b-be, d.n.a, wolf, dogon evolon, dogon evolon, dica e-kat, dica e-kat, modeerfon rising, modeerfon rising, rising modeerfon, rising modeerfon, by thee pricking ov my thumbs something wicked this way cums, suck thee misery and make it sweet, taste thee pain to find new pleasure, learn to look to see much more, dogon evolon. (23/12/91)
This is an experiment designed to provoke an emotional response. It is a test for you to find out more about yourself through me, do you believe in god? Do you believe in rules? If you’re answer is no, thee principles ov control have already lost their grip on you, thee path is chosen, walk on. If your answers are yes, you should learn to think and make decisions for yourself, you are blind to thee fear that control has instilled within you, please think, and then begin thee test again. Running wild, living free, liberation healing me. (23/05/91)
Ov love underground
E hear thee sound ov love underground, E feel thee sound ov love underground, E turn around, E know no bounds, E hear thee sound ov what E have found, inner sight, inner sight, inner sight, inner sound, spygar sound, spygar sound, bring them down, bring them down, all is found, all is found, spygar sound, spygar sound, destroy thee crown, freedom unbound, E hear thee sound ov love underground, E feel thee sound ov love underground, and thee serpent breathed. (20/06/91)
Kill your car (32 rue tobas)
Thee locomotion speeding past me, thee pollution goes right through me, E can see thee progress in speeding up your mind but not your body speeding ahead ov time, it’s dangerous for all our health, it’s dangerous for thee world, thee ignorance and uncaring attitude ov one man and his machine, thee ego boosting anger button does not keep thee planet clean, it’s all a part ov this selfish mentality which ignores people like you and me, it’s all part ov thee governments plans to reek constant havoc on thee freedom man, it’s impossible on this poor land to let cars be owned by every man, there’s not enough room for man and machine in a peaceful caring society, but there is no love in this community, so thee worlds still ruled by thee lazy and their machines. Pollution, pollution, pollution, one key to thee downfall ov pollution is to kill, to kill, to kill, to kill your car, a great many things are dying violently all thee time. (1991)
Nobody believes that anything exists outside their own little world, arrogance to provide security, to halt paranoia and fear, thee ego safety net. This is not a reality; it is too organised and perfect. It is thee ultimate stupidity to assume what you do not know for yourself, but sometimes it is thee way ov man to ignore what to others is obvious and real, it is a lack ov trust and optimism that stops thee flow ov unity and love. Remember always that anything is possible, nothing is real and things aren’t always what they seem, know yourself to know what you want and where there’s a will there’s a way, where there’s a way there’s a will, a true will. (10/07/91)
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