E try to hold myself together, while my brain is torn apart, E didn’t think thee life E chose would stab me through thee heart, E guess E don’t like existence, E am bored out ov my mind, that’s why E spend my weekend spaced it’s thee only time E find, E can handle being alive but E can’t live within this world, there’s nothing much that interests, except music, drugs and girls, so give me excess ov what E need, my brain to warp, my mind to feed, getting high is thee life for me, so give me excess ov what E need, E wanna create a novel telling how fucked up E am and how thee acid calms me down and makes me more a man, society made my anger, my parents forged my hate, thee government has robbed me and E guess E made mistakes, but thee media lied to me, my friends have been and gone, there’s only one way to get through this so don’t tell me that E am wrong, give me excess ov what E need, my brain to warp, my mind to feed, getting high is thee life for me, give me excess ov what E need. (1990)
Nothing to say?
E don’t know why E am writing when E ain’t got much to say, but E am fed up living life when E have to live it day to day, E don’t wanna find no reasons to just stop living my life, but E wasn’t born to succeed E was only born to die, E don’t need to pledge allegiance to nobody else’s ideas, E can see thee lies, corruption by just knowing my own fears, E know who E am and what E am, and what E think E will be, but you people don’t know who you are, and you certainly don’t know me. E am too fucked up to be honest and it’s too late to be pure, but thee life E have lived is full and E have opened up thee doors, E still find myself a wasted time but that’s one ov my faults, E don’t believe E am successful and find E am not ov course, E don’t wanna know your beliefs, E don’t need your laws or creed, E am on a mission for myself cause it’s myself E truly need, E don’t care to be so ordinary like that E can’t exist, E choose to be myself, a kaleidoscope ov my ideas, so for a man who had nothing to say, E now just filled a page because constantly E think ov things that fill me full ov rage, E never force myself to write like this, it just comes naturally and if no-one ever reads it then it don’t matter to me. (1990)
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