If you give (then you receive)
People like you don’t get nothing from life, how can you if you’re trying to be something you’re not? Is there anything that isn’t someone else within you? Now be honest, do you know or have you just plain forgot, you’re a spoilt little brat, you wanna own everything, you’re obsessive with your plagiarism it’s out ov control, do you think E don’t know you play these pathetic games? Man you will never find your heaven if you don’t know your soul, so don’t stand there and abuse my trust, E have done a lot for you but that just isn’t enough, you can’t use people for your own gains man, it’s well out ov line, if you give then you receive but if you take then you die, E have had enough ov you constantly challenging me, E just don’t need this competition every day, E came down hard when you were like this before and E am warning you now E am close to violence again, just who thee fuck do you think you are? E cant believe you really treat people like this, it’s not surprising you ain’t got no friends, because people start to realise you’re taking thee piss, so don’t stand there and abuse my trust, E have done a lot for you but that just isn’t enough, you can’t use people for your own gains man, it’s well out ov line, if you give then you receive but if you take then you die, do you get thee picture? Do you get thee picture? Do you get thee picture? Or shall E hit ya? Shall E beat you senseless? No you’re already there, shall E stab you dead? Am E being unfair? Shall E kick you down? Cause you know that E can, do E have to kill you to make you understand? People like you don’t get nothing from life, how can you if you’re trying to be something you’re not? Is there anything that isn’t someone else within you? Now be honest, do you know or have you just plain forgot, you’re a spoilt little brat, you wanna own everything, you’re obsessive with your plagiarism it’s out ov control, do you think E don’t know you play these pathetic games? Man you will never find your heaven if you don’t know your soul, so don’t stand there and abuse my trust, E have done a lot for you but that just isn’t enough, you can’t use people for your own gains man, it’s well out ov line, if you give then you receive but if you take then you die, and believe me violence is an answer. (1990)
Red truck, black and white people, some baby, loaded sections, a fine zone, sublimation through brain, or do E? …Yes, bald spot in thee forties, new jack in thee weather garden, spinning metal circle orange, dust and lust, red hot sparking corduroys, haircut out ov stars, train dump juggernaut, overalls a striped tarmac, ants on thee pavement, springs in thee collision, burning on thee radiator, blue convertible on thee head, crushed in jaw-vice metamorphosis, rolling emerald debris, skin driving, thee pain machine. Why can’t you leave me alone? What did E ever do to you? Who thee hell do you think you are? What makes it right? Thee things you do? Politicians, governments, police force, judges, religious self-righteousness, bearing grudges, Jesus Christ, Allah, Krishna, Thatcher, Bush, Hussein, fascists, communists, dictators, leaders, rules, regulations, laws, morals, time, days and nights, E didn’t ask for you to push me around, E was thee one with my feet on thee ground, holier than thou in your selfish crimes, its our freedom that you bleed off in this desperate life, no more following, no more martial law, because thee only thing you guarantee is another bloody war. (1991)
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