What is it you’ve got against me? What is it that E have done? One minute you’ll laugh and joke with me and thee next you call me scum, you’re moods are ever-changing and E don’t know what to expect, E want to call you one ov my friends but you don’t give no respect, you preach your politics to me but don’t practice them all thee time, just when it suits you then its ok, so how can E trust your smile? Do you speak about me often? Do you care if E am not there? E try to do my best for you, so why be so unfair? Is this thee way you treat your friends? Or is it thee way that you treat me? E wanna see you make that dream, so tell me what do E have to be? Sometimes its like E don’t exist, sometimes E am your best friend, will you ever praise thee things E do? Or will you leave me at loose ends? Will you tell me how E have to act? Tell me what you want me to do? Will you ever be proud to be a friend ov mine? Like E am proud to be a friend ov you. (1989)
Choose its course
E close my eyes and hear you breathe, all your thoughts possess my dreams, you reach such heights within your mind, you know thee path through space and time, and thee water flows all over thee world, but it never returns to thee source, it touches thee edges ov every land, but no-one can choose its course, no, no-one can choose its course, you reign like a river endlessly, we run so fast into thee sea, thee light returns us to thee sky, we come to earth when heaven cries, and all you are and we can be, is found within this reality, and as we spread so wide and far, our trail is followed by thee stars, we crumble walls and bridges built, and if we thirst we drink our fill, we overflow but we wont drown, our love becomes thee strangest sound, and thee water flows all over thee world, but it never returns to thee source, it touches thee edges ov every land, but no-one can choose its course, no, no-one can choose its course, love ov course. (1994)
You stand and stare and scorn at us, you never ask our names, you couldn’t care to understand what makes us all thee same, so stupid in your slavery, you dare not seek thee truth, E know you’re scared ov what we are, your truncheon is your proof, stop, look and listen as you club us to thee ground, who d’you think has profited from all that’s going down? We are here for us and you, and you are here for them, you steal away our rights for rules and they won’t return again, but we will return, we will always return, to protect, everything that we believe in. (1994)
All thee open-hearted with emotions left in ruins, have seen thee times a changing, have seen what thee state is doing, thee pain that we grew up with taught us to become aware, are we thee only people left who really, truly care? We’re thee rejects ov thee family, we’ve been ignored by history, you’ve never seen this on TV, we’re a product ov your vanity, they’ve tried to hide our tales you see, they can’t explain how we can be, we’re thee proof that no-one here is free, we’re thee only true reality, this society that you’re living in has made us what we are, we’re lying in thee gutter but we’re staring at thee stars, we’ve found a love that’s living, we need less for us to be, we see thee tower falling like in all thee prophecies, We’re thee rejects ov thee family, we’ve been ignored by history, you’ve never seen this on TV, we’re a product ov your vanity, they’ve tried to hide our tales you see, they can’t explain how we can be, we’re thee proof that no-one here is free, we’re thee only true reality, we’re thee rejects. (10/07/95)
All thee little undergrounds
If all our little undergrounds, could see what deeds are going down, they’d be aware in sight and sound, in times ov this democracy, its hard to realise our dreams, thee futures up to you and me, so we have a common enemy, but we are many more than he, lets fight for sister liberty, we begin a new religion, we begin a new dream, open up your eyes and see a new beginning, unity will rise, then you’ll realise, you’ll realise, when all these little undergrounds, with fire burn thee fences down, our anarchy is what you found, tribes ov young and tribes ov old, open up their hearts ov gold, chaos causing unity, crumble down thee walls ov power, can this be our finest hour? Making unity thee way to be, we begin a new religion, we begin a new dream, open up your eyes and see a new beginning, unity will rise, then you’ll realise, you’ll realise. (17/02/95) (With Polly)
History in thee making
Across thee land and from beyond, onto thee moon, a distant sun, time has come to recognize, all you see you realize, sacred dances on thee ground, tombs are found start counting down, fate has changed your destiny, can’t you see its sanity? Breaking away from thee real life, you’re breaking away, breaking away from thee real life, so open your eyes to thee skies, to thee real life, open your eyes, open your eyes, we search thee seas for lands ov gold, and change their names into our mould, we burn thee tipis and thee trees, to feed thee mouths ov hate and greed, Nero’s fiddle burned a path, bringing us his aftermath, these petty things do grow to spawn, will there always be a dawn? Breaking away from thee real life, you’re breaking away, breaking away from thee real life, so open your eyes to thee skies, to thee real life, open your eyes, open your eyes, to thee real life, this is history in thee making. (1994) (With Polly)
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