Break to thee east and then to thee west, north seems to cease, south is complete, which way do we go now? Wrong is what our ministry say now, time has come to stand and fight, why thee hell wont you let us live what is right? We never told you how to live your life, we never sold you thee story ov our lives, try to tear us apart but stronger we do grow, but E know, but E know, nineteen eighty five we were only trying to stay alive, tried thee field ov green, biggest battle there’s ever bean, fascist boys in blue, doing only what you’re told to do, why don’t you let us move on like thee river, flowing wide and strong, your justice is shit, that’s why people like you live in it, your I.D. parade, its just another one that you’ve now made, why don’t you take away my home, and set free my animals to roam, peace and freedoms all we want, say that you’ll help us and then you don’t, strip me down and take my soul, it wont work cause there’s thousands ov us to grow, to grow, to grow.
(09/11/94) (With Polly)
Jack thee giant killer
Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov America, Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov America, Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov America, Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov Ameri-ca, from a nation that took acid to a nation that takes junk, you’re a leader ov thee world but you’re a leader full ov scum, there’s more chemicals in your veins than you’ll find in Boots, how can a world find peace if you’re greed wont cut you loose? Now E have taken LSD and E have seen beautiful things, E don’t need no harder habit from all thee pleasure it brings, but as typical Americans you have to do things to excess, and then you wonder why you’re fucking country’s in a mess, you don’t learn from what has gone before, you just don’t see no sense, you speak ov strength ov unity but just take all you can get, you preach immigration, masturbation and live in thee land ov thee free, big brother’s a criminal syndicate, so you’ve no democracy, heard a song on thee radio, sign ov thee times, and yes it had some suss, but you people just don’t realise, hey man is he talking ‘bout us?, you’ve lost your soul, you’ve lost your life, you exist in a living hell, you’re world revolves around heroin, its all you buy and sell, now Mickey Mouse is snorting cocaine, Donald Duck is shooting up, Colonel Sanders is smoking PCP, Uncle Sam you’re grave is dug, Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov America, Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov America, Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov America, Jack thee giant killer, it’s thee state ov Ameri-ca. (1990)
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