Thee end, sizzling, an intense inferno ov energies, multiplying too fast to calculate, increasing, magnifying, until its too hot, too fast, too loud, too bright, bang, an explosion, every energy in thee universe ceasing to exist with every other energy, one almighty crescendo ov exploding crystals ov energy and then nothing, silence, no shape, no form, no sound, no vision, no feeling, no knowing, no nothing, avoid, a void, until out ov nothing comes something, a realisation that you are, and you can, eternally be! And once you’ve realised what you are, where you are, you realised you have no companion, so you model something exactly in your own image, a companion who wants a companion, and their companion wants a companion and so on, and so on, companion after companion after companion until you once again have a universe which will eventually provide all forms ov life and worlds, which will eventually think they are thee only things in thee world and have delusions ov grandeur and constantly fight and therefore eventually and eventually bringing about thee end ov everything and round and round it goes…utter chaos. (15/06/90)
You fuel thee radiance E am becoming, you are thee light around thee fire, our river flows into thee sea, within thee clouds to mountains higher, waiting for thee day when we can rain in joyous tears ov liberty, waiting for thee day when we can reign without thee fears ov reality. Thee rain insane falls mainly on thee brain, a storm in an LSD cup, when insane, its yours, brain drops keep falling on my head, sane brain go away, come again another brain. Colours pour from sky to earth, to let you know what all is worth, a pot ov gold is yours to find, we each have one within our minds, when sun meets sky and earth meets rain, there are rainbows in our eyes again, when sun meets sky and earth meets rain, my brain bows in your eyes again, rainbow. (04/08/91)
Its nice to be back at thee funny farm, smuggling drugs, smuggling drugs, there’s poets out there jumping out ov thee dark, smuggling drugs, smuggling drugs, holding and rolling and smoking thee shit, smuggling drugs, smuggling drugs, taking thee shit, we’re taking thee shit, smuggling drugs, smuggling drugs, so if you have to take thee shit, then take thee shit. Hippies with attitude, free thee spirit, eye spy’s eye, stealthy life, to thee magick garden, furtherer, acting locally, thinking globally. E have found a pinnacle within myself, this project is a part ov my sanity and my insanity, my love and hate, my life and death, destroying and creating, my rebirth. Oh no E can’t see them anymore, thee damn words, come back you swine! (05/08/91)
“All ov us swim in thee sea ov life but some ov us choose to ride thee surf”- Bryan Spygar
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