Ignorance breeds arrogance, arrogance breeds hate, hate breeds fear and makes wars happen, war is when no-one communicates, communication is thee essence, ov a better life in a better world, understanding comes from intuition, thee power ov your own true self, what have we got in thee world? If we haven’t got freedom, what have we got in thee world? If we haven’t got love, a race destroying all other races, a race that wants to destroy itself, a race that threatens with force and hatred, a race that’s based on thee love ov wealth. You said “well E have got money but E ain’t got love, E have got my God in thee skies above, E have got power but its never enough” you’re so fucked up, you’re so fucked up, “E only care when there’s something to gain, E never heard ov no acid rain, E watch my TV when E want to escape”, you’re so fucked up, you’re so fucked up again, “E hate all colours, especially blacks, E like James Brown as a matter ov fact, we need thee police to stop criminal attacks”, you’re so fucked up, you fucking maniac. And as thee people strive for freedom, their leaders send in thee tanks, when you see thee dying wounded, then you’ll know who to thank, there’s a tension in thee air, like a good many innocents died, how can we learn thee truth? When all leaders live by lies, thee struggle seems never-ending, it’s their freedom their defending, thee struggle seems never-ending, their strong-arm laws descending. There’s something deep inside ov me that stops me slashing wrists, there’s something deep inside me that tells me E exist, but thee pain E find in this world, thee anger that E bleed, can get too much out ov control, that E find it hard to sleep, and murderous thoughts ov violence, that E hold to heart so dear, have manifested a reaction, in a strobe-like panic fear, E scrape and claw to remain outside, but inner desires flourish, all things now are possible, but time is in no hurry, and poisonous fumes engulf my veins, ear-splitting consciousness, E don’t know if E am what you expected but E know E do my best. Yes everybody is an ocean and we can all make waves, and everybody loves surfing so lose your mind today, and if your life is dragging you don’t know what to say, well take a little look inside yourself, surfing D.N.A, lets go surfing now, everybody find out how, come on a surfari with me, so learn to see all thee ocean and ride thee crests ov waves, cause if you learn to go surfing you will find yourself today, your will can raise your spirit, you’re living for today, everybody’s going surfing, surfing D.N.A, E am picking up good vibrations, E am picking up excitations. (Lost Time Zone)
(Is it all) Worth this?
Breathe, in thee air, free, free to share, see we don’t care, live for peace, life ain’t fair, E never wanted to feel confused, E never needed to check thee time, E never pleaded for rain to come, and now you cheat me but what have E done? But what have E done to you, E don’t deserve this, but what have E done to you is it all worth this? Is it all worth this? Looking around in thee haze, tipi growing in thee maze, no more shadows on thee ground, live for peace, look what E have found, growing fields ov green to love, thee village looks down from above, do you care about our lives? T.V. loves to show you lies, E never wanted to feel confused, E never needed to check thee time, E never pleaded for rain to come, and now you cheat me but what have E done? But what have E done to you, E don’t deserve this, but what have E done to you is it all worth this? Is it all worth this? (1994 With Polly)
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