Believe it (E can’t)
Well Big Brothers took to stealing all my money from me, he’s started taxing me to live, he’s started taxing me to breathe, he’s ruining my lifestyle cause he don’t like who E am, a simple man who’s woke up and just realised this scam, E cant believe thee state that we’re in, E cant believe it, E cant believe thee mess that we’re in, E cant conceive it, E cant believe it, well he’s playing in this game just to reline his pocket, to keep thee future for his children to destroy with a rocket, and he does not care for me and he just will not care for you, he just likes to see us suffer and we nearly always do, well he takes away my records he takes away my LSD, he takes my class war newspapers and then imprisons me, but he will not stop my anger and he will never stop my pain, now he’s fitting up electrodes to thee dark side ov my brain, E don’t know who E am, E don’t know why E am here, E remember that E am human but it all seems so unclear, E have forgotten why E am angry, E don’t know what angry is, E am now stupid like so many other British kids, now tell me where do E live? In a ramshackle house, how much do E earn? Not enough to be learned, why do E hate? Cause thee worlds full ov shit, oh now E remember and E cant believe it, E cant believe thee state that we’re in, E cant believe it, E cant believe thee mess that we’re in, E cant conceive it, E cant believe it, but it is truth, sometimes thee truth hurts but at least its thee truth. (1990)
Nothing to fear
Peace with yourself, God rest your soul, what’s thee use ov arguing when your logic’s down in a hole, it’s important to see that there’s nothing there, because your life is held back by fear, fear ov rebellion, fear ov thee truth, fear to admit that you’ve been wrong all along, fear ov reprisals, fear ov yourself, fear to see that Christian’s are blinded by their wealth, fear ov thee police, fear you’re alone, you’re too frightened to claim back thee land that we all own, where is thee rebellion? Where is thee hope? When you sit there shocked and scared, when you’re too stoned on your dope, when you can’t believe anything can be changed, when you’re so helpless in your apathy, and helpless you remain, there are people being killed and robbed and crucified, every second longer you ignore, someone else loses their life, all men and women equal is thee dream you require, but you don’t do a damn thing to provide a change from this fire, so watch you fucking bastard as thee dead are brought home, so watch you thoughtless idiot cause you are not on your own, so think about thee suffering ov all that feel pain, from thee war that you didn’t try to stop, and you deserve part ov thee blame, meat chewing dogs ov congress and government officials, you’re fascist self-succeeding abuse has made you miserable, and left all ov us with a consciousness, high and dry on thee seat ov condemnation, where we have thee moral high-ground but have to live with all this shit, tired, sad and ultimately misunderstood heroism. (1991)
No thing to fear
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