Lost in thee myriad ov neon fiction, found my soul with a new prescription, playing with fire in a twilight haze, spinning in a coma ov better days, screaming, a monochrome spectrum ov heaven and hell, E forgot E was falling until E fell, grooving with thee doctor in an emerald mist, vivid rainbow visions that do not exist, screaming, a completely new conception through thee world E see, a voyage ov perception and discovery, a kaleidoscope crescendo deep inside my mind, there’s so much more to know a universe to find, screaming.(1989)
Ominous, odious, sitting round thee winter log fire telling tales ov woe and betrayal, this is thee mysterious agony ov reality, E came down finally today, and it’s very mysterious. This is a mysterious thesis, this is thee mystery lobotomy in thee mind ov Devon, in thee mind ov heaven, how it happens, now that’s mysterious, just like man, son ov my mystery daughter ov intrigue, ladies and gentlemen, E present, reality…. a bummer, E mean, you know where you are with an altered state ov mind, because if anything untoward happens, your state ov mind is thee answer, paranoia, hallucination, delusion but in reality, it’s all a bit too real isn’t it? and it must be said…..it’s very mysterious, especially today on this most mysterious ov days, can E explain then? Only too well, reality is a bit ov a mystery, and so is Mr Kelly. (1990)
In thee castle ov thee mind, pure thought dissipates thee flesh, in thee castle ov thee mind, true liberty is a social enigma, in thee castle ov thee mind, pain becomes a treasure ov love, in thee castle ov thee mind, we rise as a blessed curse, what was lost will now be found, sun goes up moon comes down, within a world within a sound, moon goes up sun comes down, still it breathes a freedom song, night is short day is long, angry love is living strong, day is short night is long, in thee temple ov thee body, what goes in affects your mind, in thee temple ov thee body, thee more you touch thee more you find, in thee temple ov thee body, ov rises like a serpent up your spine, in thee temple ov thee body, experience is thee seventh sense, truth is where real love resides, earth mother, sister brother, lies are wasting all our time, mother earth, brother sister, will not be scared ov thee unknown, roam to live, live to roam, kaos will be our earthbound throne, all for all, never alone, in thee garden ov our paradise, thee ignorant are led by thee sick, in thee garden ov our paradise, thee flowers are choked by thee weeds, in thee garden ov our paradise, man believes he is not thee beast, in thee garden ov our paradise, thee greedy live off thee weak, when it seems that all is lost, sun goes up sun goes down, when you have no strength to carry on, moon goes up moon goes down, when all you see is all man made, know they dig thee strangest graves, know in this that all is found, what goes up always comes down, in thee mystery ov thee word, only you can decide what is truth, in thee mystery ov thee word, l-ov-e is expressed in all its forms, in thee mystery ov thee word, wisdom is relative to perception, in thee mystery ov thee word, reality fragments into sound. And now we’ve come for your children! (10/09/93)
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