Nothing knows nothing
User friendly guy, to Aleister Crowley, wouldn’t be a bad idea actually, grim and can’t get comfy, E didn’t rate that, he who knows best knows nothing and he who knows nothing knows best. (08/09/91)
“And so thee temple ov consecrated beliefs is ready to collapse; reason no longer reigns supreme! It seems that anything is possible….and so begins a conflict between fantasy and reality-a conflict often seemingly absurd, blind and confused, but one that will soon have repercussions on all forms ov thought in every sphere….doors are opened on to a different kind ov reality….ideas are directed towards a complimentary dimension where all their destinies converge and become one, and are raised together to a higher level” –Louis Pauwels + Jacques Bergier
E lay in a field ov highs and lows, dips and valleys, E lay on an incline on thee side ov a mole-sized mountain, someone was collecting firewood, most people brought a beast with them four paws and wild eyes, a canine frenzy ov energy. A wall ov living foliage behind me, a gentle foot, hops within thee undergrowth, let’s roll man, well stagger anyways, wow it’s so green, thee circle ov trees, thee legend ov crazz splakzic that b-boy graffiti monster on a rewritten trip to eternity. That fluorescent pink smiley smile but his eyes are lost in thee seas ov time, paranoia strikes as we reach thee avenue ov evilhead with thee great fuckov monsters, four wheels or more, E just can’t handle their roar, ok let’s positively energize and cross this road ov terror, ooh head fuck wow safety, now that wasn’t as bad as E thought it was going to be, down through thee ex-century village morning vicar, up thee north face ov thee eiger for 40 days and nights only to find someone has built a church there already! Across thee rolling emerald desert, falling slowly through space, thee wind and thee sun tries to make me collapse but E have to endeavour this voyage to make it back to employment hell. Down thee twisty turny tunnel, desolation on one side, survival on thee other, thee shipwrecked graveyard, up a small eclectic cliff, across thee time zone rope bridge and down thee stairs ov morality, past thee engineering works ov thee local inhabitation, this cementation world is hard on my feet and soft on my soul, E cry thee tears ov a degraded society, salt crystalline spheres ov resentment and spoils, there are no spoils in this war only spoilt. (26/06/90) (Stoned on a lunch break)
All ov kind
Why is it that thee little man always pays for thee big mans games? Why is it that thee pure ov heart is always led to feel ashamed? How can man be truly free if he can never know himself? Why is it that you have laws on drugs when you don’t care about our health? Why are your papers telling lies if England is doing so well? Why is it always left or right? Why always heaven or hell? Your forced control does not fool me; your church is fascist lies, if Adam and Eve were so perfect why were they not allowed to be wise? You can have control, you can have your lies but you will never have your tribe, your world exists around leaders and not every leader is mine, without your laws, without your wars, without we would be free, E am not here to lead my friend, E am only here to see, evil exists within your veins, and it will never make you king, it will always destroy, always lie for that’s why it exists within, love can only be thee truest form ov knowledge and world respect, each to their own, do what thou wilt, if you kill then you must be dead, love is eternal it never dies, it can only grow in size, like thee universe, like creative thought, like thee dark pools in my eyes, E was born, E live and E have to pay, is this really any loving way? To treat mankind your fellow man, when E try to be as good as E can but what’s thee point?
It’s Christian laws, they’re fascist, evil, locks on doors, E refused to be contained this way, E wish to exist in my own way, E fly, E breathe, E worship trees, thee colours formed then keep me warm, E cry, E see, thee evil seed, they stop you getting what you need, thee time has come for revelation and how to get more elevation, how to stop thee situation, how to reform your creation, LSD saviour ov thee nation, taste and feel thee real sensation, once we were, and now we’re not, thee Christian church is causing rot, worship earth and universe and see thee matter be reversed, a higher state, a higher kind, all one with all, for all ov kind. (1990)
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