Thee stone ov truth, thee stone ov hope, thee stone ov point, thee stone ov direction, thee stone ov dreams, thee stone ov thee cause, thee stone ov paradise, thee stone ov life, thee freedom, love, war! Bless me with thee courage to endeavour in my search for freedom, encourage me with proof ov good fortune in my chosen field ov development, help me to remain calm in times ov stress, help me to become strong in decision, and guide me through thee back door into paradise, hear my commands and you may be blessed eternal, blessed be.
Thee scourge ov thee thoughtless, no reason to live, no reason to question, no longing to give, controlled by a great force, who makes mockery, so blind to thee answers, no knowledge to see, so blissfully ignorant, on their road to hell, so hard to convince them, so far have they fell, E long to release them, to release all mankind.
(Lost time zone)
Thee A-team
Well here’s a little story ‘bout some people that know, what it is to be whole, what it is to let go, they’re an inner sanctum, they’re an acidhead team, and they tell ov strange stories, ov thee places they’ve been, there’s an anarchist, a dope head, rebels one and all, there’s a pervert, a wild child, with backs to thee wall, there’s a problem, a solution, a world that needs change, but there’s one united bond, they all get out ov their brains, they dream ov LSD heaven and spite alcohol hell, they hate normality, most people as well, there’s a time for intensity, a time to relax, there’s time for imagination, and there’s time for thee facts, they’ve seen red phone boxes, and thee green in thee sky, white mice on station platforms, circles spinning in eyes, there’s trails and echoes, colours inside their brains, there’s flying saucers, Jesus breathing, and a world that’s insane, they’ve been to fun houses, freak outs, graveyards and parks, they’ve been to see thee bykers and they’ve been blown apart, they’ve been on bus rides, train rides, swings, roundabouts, giant teddy bears and underwear, they’ve been to my house, they’ve met thee crow woman, Elvis, John Lennon ov course, when Lucy’s in my mind, my sister Petal can talk, they’ve been through hot knives, sky high, a nitrate headache, they’ve seen their brains storm, sideways, how much can they take? There’s an anarchist, a dope head, rebels one and all, there’s a pervert, a wild child, with backs to thee wall, there’s a problem, a solution, a world that needs change, but there’s one united bond, they all get out ov their brains, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra, mothra. (1990)
Drug problem
Well if this country’s got a drug problem, if there’s so much ov this stuff, then you’d better come and show me where, ‘cause E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, well if there’s so much ov this stuff, then tell me where E can get me some? Maybe E just ain’t got thee right crescendo, maybe E just ain’t got thee knack, but E have got to get me some brain squeeze liquid, before E get a reality attack, life’s too short to remain in control, my consciousness needs altered states, if junk is such a widespread disease, then why can’t E get some ov thee cake? E will scream if E have to stay straight much longer, my perceptions just ain’t deep enough, E will make friends with a chemist and get him wasted, and then E will get him to get me some ov that stuff, when you get high, well you can only come down, well E can only come down, if E can just get high, E don’t have to make no questions and answers, E gotta find an elevator to thee sky, Well if this country’s got a drug problem, if there’s so much ov this stuff, then you’d better come and show me where, ‘cause E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, no E cant buy any drugs, well if there’s so much ov this stuff, then tell me where E can get me some? Thee problem is E just can’t get enough, no addiction, plenty obsession. (1990)
Well it’s total, total, nothingness, it’s blank, it hurts my eyes, thee tedium is overpowering, it’d be more ov a laugh if E died, no brain, no smiles, no conversation, only thoughts inside my head, god E hate thee silent torment, E should have stayed in bed, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, there’s nothing to do, to keep me here, E don’t know why E stay, don’t get paid lots ov money, there’s gotta be a better way. E light another cigarette, thee most interesting thing all day, E have gotta cut loose from this shit, thee frustration aches again, there’s no one on my level, no one ever understands, no one to talk ov how E feel, E guess no one ever can, do you care about thee real me? Do you know how dumb E feel? Can you appreciate how E have got a lousy fucking deal? Boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, my kingdom, my kingdom, my kingdom for a trip, my kingdom, my kingdom, my kingdom for a trip, there must be more to life, than boredom. (1990)
Life without complaint
Why do people like to impose their own morals on others? In a free society we would police ourselves and judge ourselves and if no one is being harmed by our own decisions then what thee fuck is it to do with anybody fucking else? E am sick to my back teeth with people trying to take thee moral high ground with me over thee drugs issue because E have children, shut thee fuck up you ignorant wankers, “oh but you smoke pot that cant be good can it?” oh yes it can actually it can be really fucking good as a stress killer and relaxing me into what sometimes can be a trying situation and E can smile my way through with confidence and no guilt whatsoever you fucking Neanderthals, you make me fucking laugh, nobody bats an eyelid if parents have a drink around their children or most even don’t care if parents are smokers or not, “oh yes but its illegal isn’t it” oh so now we get to thee nitty gritty don’t fucking police me you arrogant cunt, you are not thee law! And thee law is an ass anyways! More problems come from alcohol consumption than anywhere else so fucking go into thee pubs and tell them then! And leave me thee fuck alone! It’s bad enough that my freedom is at risk for smoking pot in thee first place, at least you have somewhere to go out and drink with other people, ain’t fucking thee same for me and my friends is it? Which is fucking racism to my culture, and you stand by that do you? Fucking ignorant Nazi cunts! E do not belong to your fucked up moral high ground consumerist shit for brains culture ok! E am different to you! E have my own views that clash with your robotic big brother state bullshit controlling values! Fuck that bullshit! E am my own person, E belong to my own tribe and you are not welcome or needed to make my own decisions for me, E can do that myself unlike you, you shallow stupid fuckwit who cant make a decision on your own, who have never stood up for what you believe, who doesn’t know what thee fuck has been going on over thee last 2000 years without being told, you who hasn’t even fucking woken up yet have thee fucking audacity to tell me what E should be doing in my life! Without looking at thee big nothing that is going on in yours! Fuck you! People in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones! E have intelligence you know, E know thee facts, E know why they made it illegal you sad cunts and if you did you would be fucking angry as well! They made pot illegal because they couldn’t compete with hemp as a base product for paper and cloth because it was quick to grow and cheap to make, so thee logging barons were involved in making it illegal and then….do you know what those destructive cunts did? They started chopping down all thee forests and trees for their paper industry which has gotten into all this trouble environmentally only 60 years later, people have smoked pot for centuries and nobody ever said lets cut down all thee trees did they? These are thee cunts who have been systematically destroying our world and you…well you are on their fucking side you blind fools! Helping them, aiding them, abetting them in their rush to mass destruction! So forgive me if E see you lower than dog shit but that is what you are, so leave me thee fuck alone, and fuck off and carry on with your ignorant excuse for reality which helps no one and gives nothing back to this beautiful planet which has given you and your ancestors thee most precious gift ov all, life without complaint, and you should remember that.
She is waiting, she is waiting, she is waiting for her children to remember to return.
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