You see now thee adventure on which we are engaged. Make sure your eyes are in their right place it is time to turn darkness into light…we are getting to thee same point as thee ancients, but on a different level. Rather than condemn thee modern spirit in thee name ov thee wisdom ov thee ancients or reject this wisdom on thee grounds that real knowledge only began our civilisation, we should do better to admire and even venerate thee power ov thee mind which under different aspects traverses thee same point ov light mounting upwards in a spiral ascent. Instead ov condemning, rejecting and choosing, we ought to love. Love is everything both rest and movement at thee same time.” –Louis Pauwels + Jacques Bergier
Marvel endlessly
One small trip for man, one giant leap for mans mind, strawberry coloured vines and explosions ov a kind, with a psychedelic chill and it’s all from just one pill, some will live and some will die and some will never reason why? That Jesus hears and Jesus sees and Jesus breathes on LSD, E am just wasting my time, E am just wasting my mind on a Lennon Elvis ride and thee bomb blast in my eyes, and now Lucy’s in thee sky there’s just no reason why? E can hear her in my soul and thee colour is my goal, and my brains turned inside out, now there really is no doubt ov all thee things that you can see it’s unique this LSD, It’s a marvel LSD it’s a marvel endlessly, it’s a marvel endlessly it’s a fucking marvel this LSD, and all thee people that can’t see, well your brain is dead to me, there is so much more to learn so much ecstasy to earn, there’s a place inside my head, well all my brain is turning red, thee moving colours in my mind well they’re not there to pass thee time, well this is no designer fix because it’s all for to exist, and a slashing ov thee wrists is not preferred to more ov this, it’s a marvel LSD, it’s a marvel endlessly, it’s a marvel endlessly, it’s a fucking marvel this LSD. (Lost timezone)
Widen my conscious
E widen my conscious and tread slowly my path, sometimes spiralling back to where E have been since, it is a confusion which E myself create and only E can escape, but when and if E succeed it will be my own doing, E have no plans, E have no wish to, E wish only to exist in my own frame ov mind, E will worship no other and expect no worship to me, E have many paths each unique and necessary to my cause, to widen my conscious. Bright light, dark sky, there’s an acid storm a brewing, a cleaner scum, a dirty heat and it’s fucked my head again, a hooligan messiah, satanic garters, kiss my mind, another sign, thee garden ov deception, an inaccurate conception, Eden sees what evil does a surrogate reception, thee thunder is enlightening, thee rain, thee screams ov flesh, a lump a day is best, E munched my way to madness, cause sanity is sadness, acid is life and life is acid, blood runs, cold flows, where my mind goes nobody knows, but you can guess cause E am a mess and a fine mess at that, thee ramblings matched thee rumblings as E told them E was Christ, E may as well be Jesus cause my life is plagued by lice, in my head is my brain, in my brain is a pain and thee pain is thee same as thee acid insane, a game between life and death and insanity, a reality, a prayer, E hope. (1990)
“Hope for us is a very long road, it’s a long, long road to walk down” -Radical dance faction
Cities burning
One shot, one flame and it’s blazing again, cause thee cities burning, thee cities burning, and thee cities so pretty, it burns so pretty, thee cities so pretty, it burns so pretty, thee cities so pretty, it burns so pretty, thee cities so pretty, it burns so pretty, E wanna smash all thee windows in st pauls cathedral, blow up big Ben and Cleopatra’s needle, bomb Westminster abbey and horse guards parade, E wanna see thee government engulfed in flames, E wanna crash a bus in Trafalgar square, wanna massacre civilians in their sportswear, guillotine thee city gent in bowler hat, E wanna wreck and pillage all thee Chelsea flats, E wanna riot in thee suburbs lead them to thee town, E wanna shoot Thatcher and steal thee queens crown, E wanna punch, E wanna kick, E wanna destroy, Thee word will be sorry they created this boy, E wanna tear down theses famous places and surround myself with familiar faces, that’s fear and anguish and torture, decay, if E can live like this then why can’t you for a day, E wanna sail right down thee Thames and see thee cities end, E wanna sail right down thee Thames and see thee cities end, thee cities end, thee cities end. (1989)
You got adverts and shopping malls, you ain’t got no life at all, you are mass produced clone generation, what a state ov thee world nation, you got status and a lovely wife, but no meaning to your life, soap operas and telephones, what you buy is all you own, you send your kids to public school, teach them how to obey rules, they’ll grow up thee way you want, never happy yet never wrong, so you got money well good for you, did you do what you wanna do? Just a cog in a great machine, always healthy always clean, can’t you think all by yourself? Don’t fucking worry about your wealth, you’re all so bland, a blank generation, is being rich your inspiration? Super markets, compact discs, E am so boring but E am rich, why can’t you just do or die? Instead of being one big lie, think you’re clever you’re too thick, god your lifestyle makes me sick, upper crust and middle class, stuff your status up your arse! You got your status, but that’s fuck all, you ain’t got no life at all, you got your status, but that’s fuck all, you ain’t got no life at all. (1988)
“Long live anarchy; death to aristocrats” –Lucheni
“When we rebel it is dangerous for us, when we comply we die” -Anon
"Reclaim thee streets, reclaim thee towns, reclaim thee nation"-Conflict
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