“It is from understanding that power comes; and thee power in thee ceremony was in understanding what it meant; for nothing can live well except in a manner that is suited to thee way thee sacred power ov thee world lives and moves” –Black Elk
Are you free?
Well it didn’t take long to convince myself, to gain experience ov my heaven and hell, E took thee time to look inside my mind, E didn’t realise what E would find inside, E didn’t realise that all theses things were mine, inside, inside, E don’t believe in hate, E just believe in love, there ain’t no god in thee skies above, it’s just me, it’s just me, and as thee pictures on my eyes rolled around my brain, and thee sunlight warmed me with a gentle flame, thee dark ov night became thee April rain, E knew that E was reborn for a better day, E don’t believe in hate but E believe in love, there ain’t no god in thee skies above, it’s just me, it’s just me, are you free? So let yourself go and find you’re true will too, what’s happened to me can also happen for you, don’t be fooled by anyone else, make your own rules for yourself, don’t sit around and let thee world depress you, take a look around and let thee feeling come through, don’t believe in hate, just believe in love, there ain’t no god in thee skies above… there’s just you! (Lost timezone)
Looking forward
Looking forward to tonight, so E can become myself again, let go ov reality, stop keeping up this pathetic façade, come on day get out ov thee fucking way, so E can get home and groove thee night away, something special tonight E think, a heavy dose, let those hallucinations come, E wanna run screaming through thee haze being chased by a green and purple sumo wrestler called wijji, while a gang ov turquoise spotted daffodil demons discuss thee effects ov mad cow disease on McDonalds profits at thee end ov thee tax year…..in Japanese…with a stutter, E wanna be totally crazed, de-crazed, de-freaking out, oh yes my son freaking out, E want my brain frazzled, my mind twisted, my body aching, shaking, tensing, pulsing, fizzing like some psychedelic R-whites fizzical, E am a secret LSD taker, far out, far out, E have been trying to give it up but it’s a something E like…well that’s a bloody lie, E am certainly not secret about it and E don’t wanna give it up! E am a blatant LSD taker, freak out, freak out, E get fucked out ov my mind on every Saturday night! Now that’s more like it, come on thee scene, phone me man, E haven’t heard from him all week, he’s gotta phone today, E know he’s got twenty ov thee little fuckers and some speed, he’s bound to phone and say when he’s coming round, he must be after a psychedelic evening, so PHONE! E think a Hunter.S.Thompson type weekend is in order, a two-day trip with speed to carry it on, yeah fuck it all let’s go
For it, let thee ramblings commence, good trip or bad trip, LETS TRIP
Electric city, brains so pretty, blue green psychos on a fast wipe out organic adventure to thee outer twilight limits zone, bring forth thee dream machine, E have got twenty seconds in my eyes, forwards, sidewards, downside, east-west groove tribe, thee funky loving acid schizos, there’s a distinct mobility cave in my psyche, hung, drawn and laundered, washing machine from thee jungles ov cataman, skate boarding mutants in a psych-strobe frenzy, king Kong meets Thompson, Godzilla black, mothra heads, summer ov 89, funhouse, clown screams, water slide, no way out, too far back, machine crescendo, techno-surge, adrenalin motel, suck thee cheese off ov this fucker, let loose those cosmic rays. Wander lonely and burning deck my cricket ship, E long for you, you long forty, crisp and fresh, my heads a nest ov bamble, bingle, bongo and thee Schwarz sisters from Tucson, wipe my mind and see me blind ov loving within my motorcycle. E wash upon a dart, let loose, let loose, let loose, Toulouse is to find, E wimble, E womble, jah wobble, my god it was thee Mormon servants headdress all along, Ivor Cutler did it, thee numbers fall, thee dice rolls, on earth as it did last Easter, E cast my eyes and started to splash my cookies all over thee pink blue retrograph, thee dogs ov children’s television like mermaids from thee deserts sun, and daughters ov thee lost casualty department ov thee seven-sistered headed lagoon, like a green demonic andrex, like a Pullman blue avenger, like a toxic new wave fish finger, E am a poisoned dwarf ov Sicily, E cut a ya throat, you smasha my head, din for a new experience, world ov golden towers and diamond slumbers, E watch, wait, anticipate, come on thee scene phone me now, E am just about ready for delirium paranoia ejaculations. (1990)
"Nothing short ov a TOTAL love"-genesis p orridge
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