Pollution solution
Thee condensation’s seeping down my window ov life, E am so damp inside, E am barely alive, and as thee poison trickles from my subway line, and that train is pumping, burning from thee inside, E can feel a panic, thee pleasure makes me so sick, and my brain is rotting from this juggernaut kick, E don’t want to descend into thee fires ov hell, E want to fly until my wings will melt, with thee pollution solution, with thee pollution solution, with thee pollution solution, with that insanity fusion, E get a sweat from thee wind, E get a tan from thee cold, well E am only fifteen and yet E look so old, E find my pleasure and my pain in this milk ov sin, and anything’s better than thee world E live in, there’s a jumbo jet ascending deep inside my mind, and thee sonic boom reaction is so hard to find, E am a deviant ov limbo, E am thee living dead, but E can’t get this longing from inside my head, and so thee blood flows, and so my life goes, and so thee blood flows, and so my life goes, and so thee blood flows, and so my life goes, and so thee blood flows, and so my life goes, with thee pollution solution, with thee pollution solution, with thee pollution solution, with that insanity fusion. (1989)
E don’t really know what E am doing here, but E will have some fun ‘til thee money runs out, E don’t really know what E want at all, but thee human race makes me scream and shout, cause E am at war with thee world, E am at war with thee world, E am at war with thee world, yeah my world’s at war, E don’t understand how you can live like that, E don’t wanna be part ov normality, E don’t understand how drink is legal like that, but you can’t meditate on LSD, E can’t comprehend with thee red and blue, always arguing who’s gonna win, cause you know just what they’re gonna do, that’s screw thee poor cause its thee rich that sin, there’s murderers and rapists walking thee streets and only dealers are locked away, everyone you meet is somehow corrupt, yes E will be laughing on that judgement day, a conflict with my sanity, E am at war with thee world and thee world with me, a conflict with humanity, E am at war with thee world and thee world with me. (1989)
Thee storm-my brain plays tricks (a natural fear)
As E write a line does he realise? Because thee storm just gets worse and worse, as every sentence ends there’s another clap ov thunder, and a fork ov lightning comes from sky to ground, they seem to be getting closer to me, E suddenly don’t feel safe, thee wind is blowing stronger, thee rain is now hurting my face where before E was bone dry, E have never seen fork lightning so close or so beautiful, pure white as thee driven snow, white lightning now E know why thee tab got its name, natural evils, storms, thunder, lightning. Thee blue skies overpowering, thee calm after thee storm, a sense ov peace, tranquillity, calm waters, no rain, less wind, no thunder, some in distance, no lightning, no fear, no power. It’s like a demon ran through for a brief time, making everything more that was in it’s path, a fascinating insight into something we don’t understand, E don’t believe in science, E believe in magick, it’s funny, time had no meaning, you weren’t in thee twentieth century, it could’ve been any time and any place, an experience no one should miss, thee storm’s trying to come back, some loud claps ov thunder, so loud, they break to my right and echo miles to my left, thee rain’s starting up again and so is thee wind, a flash ov lightning to my right, does this mean thee eye ov thee storm is to my right?, it seems above thee bridge now, no, to thee right, quieter somehow, thee lover ov storms? Thee storm bringer, thee rain maker, a glorious day becomes a savage storm, from peace to war, from good to bad, from white to black, thee power ov thee storm. (Lost time zone)
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