No point
Thee world is dying, thee scientists say, it’s a problem, can’t be solved and it wont go away, if global warming doesn’t fry ya, then thee ice age will freeze, what’s thee point ov planning futures if you’ve nowhere to breath? They say there’s nothing we can do, and people don’t realise, this is thee end ov our inheritance, its thee end ov our lives, they only care about their money and thee plans for their kids, what’s thee point to all this nonsense, we’ll no longer exist, so fuck it, party up and motivate, just live your life full, there’s no point to being depressed, though you probably will, accept thee fate ov mankind because E know its for best, there’s no point in being selfish, when there’ll be no-one left, you can organize your marches but big brother wont hear, because he thinks that he is God and he thinks thee way’s clear, well there’s some justice for you, after all that he’s robbed, there’s no point in being a leader, when you just ain’t a God, there’s just one thing to do, that’s to replant thee trees, live for communal anarchy and fight for global peace, there’s no point in being richest or most powerful, cause if we don’t join together, there’s no point at all, there’s no point at all, if all you want is money, there’s no point at all, if all you want is power, there’s no point at all, if you still destroy trees, there’s no point at all, if you wont hear and see, no point. (1990)
Midsummer day
We stand between thee day and night, when darkness has been lost in light, being neither cursed nor blessed, between this way ov wrong and right, our choice is clear through black and white, thee middle path is best, thee way is straight, thee path is long, while flesh is weak but spirit strong, we need to be and know, who enters life is past recall, for none may rise save we that fall, above is reached below, blessed be thee mother earth, so mote it be, blessed be thee solar light, so mote it be, blessed be thee water ov life, so mote it be, blessed be thee seeds ov freedom, so mote it be, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, let an echo ov this universal utterance reach everyone within this world, may it be borne by every breath ov air, may it be flashed by every form ov fire, may it be written with each wave ov water, may thee word ov will in us be felt as firmly as this earth beneath our feet, so mote it be. Now is high midsummer sun, but living time is never done, cease all sorrow, stop all strife, come hopeful hearts and a happy life, if you mind midsummer’s day, luck and love will come your way, joy and gladness, good and true, come to me and go to you, who is older than thee sun? That in whom all lives are one, who is wiser than thee rest? Only who knows what is best, who is greatest ov thee great? That which stays thee hand ov fate, who is higher than thee sky? Who so outgrows thee tallest lie, if you would have every rite, follow on thee way ov light, here is common sense to try, do as you would be done by, here is counsel to fulfil, if you harm none do what you will, now be free and live this way, on this good midsummer’s day, so mote it be, all anger is transformed into joy, blessed be. (Lost timezone) (From thee mists)
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