E never want to leave
Thee time ov renewal will bring about thee long awaited inevitable change ov movement. To re-pair thee earth and thee sun, to climb a path around thee moon our sister ov sight, we chant on to your clear light, lost in thee moment no time is found, no needs are bound and on for thee torment, ov thee return to thee now, this moment ov blockage, ov false lies and deception, and into this conspiracy ov man go E, and E alone. Though they try to hide me, E am alive and kicking against thee bricks in thee wall, re-setting my boundaries and perceptions in tune to thee moment, and with free spirit and thought we howl to our sister and dream, thee long dream ov a new love where love is thee law, thee twenty third movement ov light. Now is thee time for thee start ov our living, now is thee time for thee movement to rise, now is thee time for thee enemy within to Begone from our world to be gone from our life, there’s just too many people who are exempt from protection, there’s just too many people who have no place to go, there are not enough reasons to hold back our infection, and there are just a few people telling all ov us no! so let’s take these few people and let’s do as they do to us, and as they come then they choose how to go, and then let no-one long to reign over us and to thee few who would stand up we have ways to say no.(1994)
Real humanity presents a mixture ov all that is most sublime and beautiful with all that is vilest and most monstrous in thee world… if god existed, only in one way could he serve human liberty-by ceasing to exist. E do not content myself with consulting a single authority in any special branch; E consult several; E compare their opinions, and choose that which seems to me thee soundest….E have no absolute faith in any person. Such a faith would be fatal to my reason, to my liberty, and even to thee success ov my undertakings; it would immediately transform me into a stupid slave, an instrument ov thee will and interests ov others. E receive and give-such is human life. –Michael Bakunin
Spiralling round on thee cosmic cord, so you want to know what E do this for, E strive for freedom E strive for love, been striving for a happiness that equals drugs, because E know how E feel and E know how E can feel, E know how E feel and E know how E can feel, so don’t ask me where to go will E lead, believe me authority’s thee last thing you need, answer all questions for your self, and don’t be tempted by ignorant wealth, because you know how you feel do you know how you can feel? You know how you feel do you know how you can feel? We can all be alive we can all be thee tribe ov tribes, we can all be free, we can all be thee free ov free, we can all be love, we can all be thee love ov love, we can all be one, we can all be thee one ov one, so please have thee courage from your own convictions, please don’t tell lies from your contradictions, please have thee courage from your own convictions, learn what you want and need from your instinction, do you know how you can feel because you know how you feel…real. (04/07/91)
23:23, heard your chanting and saw myself at thee bench, E wrapped myself into an IAO cocoon at one point, just got a bit paranoid E guess, E could distinctively hear your voice from down in thee twists and turns ov thee tunnel, but then we were there and thee weather was fine and thee wind blew into thee trees and we shook hands and hugged before we departed and E came crashing back to this page, and someone was banging on my cocoon so E dreamed up a telephone and it was you then E threw off my fears and E dreamed me a door and then once again we were there. 23:44 (25/07/91)
Our tribe
Stoned E dream ov acid, E think ov times gone past, thee loving and thee hating ov new friends won and lost, like children we were playing, but playing are we now? But E tire ov these pointless fights, am lost yet to be found but do we need each other? In what do we both belong? Thee human race that is our tribe when thee unity is strong, we can all then be encouraged by looking at ourselves and finding ourselves together we can live and learn to help….our tribe. Some days E feel like an alien in your world, once a thief always a poet, once a poet always a thief, smoke it, lick it, snort it, trip it, scream as E push you scream as E pull, trapped in a corner back to thee wall, is there a hell or is it just me? L.O.V.E. (26/07/91)
“E receive and E give-such is human life. Each directs and is directed in his turn. Therefore there is no fixed and constant authority, but a continual exchange ov mutual, temporary, and above all, voluntary authority and subordination. In behalf ov human liberty, dignity and prosperity, we believe it our duty to recover from heaven thee goods which it has stolen and return them to earth. In every development, just or false, real or imaginary, collective or individual, it is always thee first step, thee first act that is thee most difficult. That step once taken, thee rest follows naturally as a necessary consequence” –Michael Bakunin
Exist with nature don’t turn against it, exist with nature don’t turn away, evolve with nature don’t try to stop it, evolve with nature don’t terminate. And as E sow thee seed keep listening to me, thee earth is ruled by greed it’s time you learnt to see, they tell us we are free but this is a fallacy, so as E sow thee seed come germinate with me, go with thee flow and flow with thee go, I’ve got thee key and you know where to go, fly to thee mountains and swim to thee seas, you know where to go and I’ve planted thee seed, germinate don’t terminate, reverberate to liberate, germinate don’t terminate, ejaculate to a magickal state. Art is thee mystery ov magick, magick is thee mystery ov art, love in unification, unification in love. (26/07/91)
Wasted space
Life can get very, very strange when you’re lonely left to your own devices, my brain steps out ov its cage in thee morning, no time for surprises, thee constant hammering ov sound on thee ears, too late for bravery, too slow for fears, thee pain crescendo in my central mind, too fast to see, too true for lies, E am falling, falling out ov space, everybody says E am out ov grace, can’t do no more to ease my case, E am just another wasted space. Thee world gets very, very strange, as its plundered, by mans devices, fire and ice will come again in thee morning, thee constant struggle ov vices, thee volcanoes echoes, thee ground spits forth, nowhere to run, where all are caught, crushed by rock ice, drowned by thee seas, nature takes revenge so sweet, we’re falling, falling out ov space, everybody is out ov grace, we can’t do no more to ease our case, we’ll be just another wasted space.
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