Too many lies (unbridled fall out)
Too many lies, governments, religion, money, TV, none ov this is what it seems, too many lies, open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, there’s too many lies, there’s too many lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, open your eyes, open your eyes, too many lies, governments, religion, money, TV, none ov this is what it seems, too many lies, open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, there’s too many lies, there’s too many lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, open your eyes, open your eyes, too many lies, governments, religion, money, TV, none ov this is what it seems, too many lies, open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, there’s too many lies, there’s too many lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, open your eyes, open your eyes, too many lies.(19/12/91)
Love ov money
Syndication, thee love ov money, assassination, running, gunning, occupation, thee love ov money, indoctrination ov nothing coming, aspirations, thee love ov money, messianic, Masonic covens, a greed explosion, thee love ov money, E am not laughing and it’s not funny, a greed explosion, thee love ov money, E am not laughing and it’s not funny, money does not love, money does not love, money does not love, money does not love, corporations, thee love ov money, information, kept above me, repatriation, thee love ov money, keeps us waiting, precious destiny, deprivation, thee love ov money, massacre nations, to keep them hungry, absurd vocation, thee love ov money, where is thee milk and thee honey? Where is thee milk and thee honey? Money does not love, money does not love, moneys not enough, moneys worthless drug, money does not love, money does not love, our life’s not long enough, to deal in money. (19/12/91)
Thee friend
Slipping down to a watery end, it is my friend, it is my friend, lost above to thee never end, it is my friend, it is my friend, once upon a time it will be free again, it is my friend, it is my friend, as E wash down to thee sea again, it is my friend, it is my friend, where all is dark and burns my eyes, it is my friend, it is my friend, where all is white E strain my lies, it is my friend, it is my friend, and no more dreams where all is real, and no more loving arms to feel, and no more sun and no more rain, and no more loss and no more gain, when E am whole with all my natures reign, it is my friend, it is my friend, it is my only friend, in thee end, never end, thee friend, never, end. Falling from thee rocks ov joy, knowing someone else’s joy, E am thee worlds forgotten boy, E am thee friend. (19/12/91)
E know nothing, E know nothing, E know nothing but thee toilets ov life (and that’s somewhere everyone has to go, its amazing thee kinds ov people you can meet in toilets….ask Joe Orton, he knew a few)(19/12/91)
Thee winter land is here again, it glitters in thee sun, thee beauty fresh and vigorous, my feet are cold and numb, E want to photograph scenes E have seen, E want a rainbow coloured coat, to keep me warm as E trip through this, in my acid flavoured boat, winter psychedelia, thee snowflake mosaic, winter psychedelia, thee frozen acid lake, winter psychedelia, thee visions are upon us, winter psychedelia, thee world is ours to take. (Lost time zone)
Thee squirly whirly man
Coke, coke, coke…coke addict, coke, coke, coke…coke addict, thee squirly whirly man is a neo-acid band, he appears in a flash ov smoke, and he breathes within my coke, he’s like a hero, ne’er comes back, he retreats and then attacks, he will never look away, when E am screaming in my brain, it’s strange but true, thee squirly, whirly man, it’s strange but true, thee squirly, whirly man, he’s like a dose ov PCP, is it real or is it me? He runs streaming through thee rain, then he burns my eyes again, he can freeze and he can melt, he’s always lost within his self, he wont freak out someone else, E think my final card is dealt, E try to look, he makes me blind, E try to hear, he wont make signs, E try to speak, he’s shut me up, now E have lost all sense ov touch, he’s swearing now in Japanese, my brain is somewhere near my knees, E wanna sweat, he makes me chill, E am feeling well, he makes me ill, Will he ever go away? Is his an everlasting stay? Is he my message for today? Is this how junkies pay? Will he ever go away? Is his an everlasting stay? Is he my message for today? Is this how junkies pay? Thee sky is turning to my feet, my blood tastes bitter, then tastes sweet, my eyes are aching from behind, E try to cry for all mankind. E am sitting on my raspberry fool; can heaven really be so cruel? E swim with yellow nettles, but E ne’er get any better, it’s strange but true, thee squirly, whirly man, it’s strange but true, thee squirly, whirly man, Coke, coke, coke…coke addict, coke, coke, coke…coke addict. (1990)
Ignorance exists (there’s jealousy in ignorance)
You say you care for thee need to change, you say you care for love, you’re angry at thee misery in thee world, but you still believe in a god above, are you crazy? Are you blind? Or are you just selfish and unkind? Saying that you dream ov liberty, while condemning me with audacity, you see something’s wrong, so you write a song, you never stand up and protest, so don’t tell me that E just don’t see, you’re thee hypocrite that E detest, watching panorama, world in action, saying thee world must be saved, as you eat Kentucky fried chicken, and send them to their graves, what’s your dreams? Your paradise? Is it a free world built on love? Or is it that elusive record contract? Is it money you want so much? You’re not in control, you’re one ov them, those robotic brainwashed fools, thirty years old and you’ve never established, love or hate for rules, you can say that E am crazy, that E do too many drugs, but at least E do exist, and E am not thee one, that sprays thee floor every time that E have a piss, with a catholic girlfriend, now you sleep with a crucifix above your bed, and it’s just like life for a man like you, completely above your head, so yes condemn, for only you are denied, E will not waste my thoughts on you, if you can’t accept me being me, then E refuse to accept you. There’s no progress without protest, so what about love? A leftie, a fascist, a hobby, a joke, well that’s thee price you pay, you know sometimes, it makes me wonder, who will outlast who! (1990)
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