Summer solstice
We are pagans, stones ov thee ancient circle, standing firmly balanced upon earth, yet open to thee winds ov heaven, we stand at thee threshold between worlds, before thee veil ov mystery, may thee ancient ones help and protect us on our special magickal journey, high is summer, let our spirits likewise raise themselves above all clouds ov ignorance, so that we may once more regain thee heaven ov thee splendid stars from whence we came to earth as solar seeds, IAO, IAO, IAO, IAO, blessed be thee stead fast light beyond all darkness, now does night pay homage unto everlasting day.(Lost timezone)
E was tripping hard on liquid acid and pills thee first time E went to thee summer solstice at Stonehenge, it was thee first time open to all since thee banning ov thee ritual ov our ancestors, it was a crazy experience but it changed my life, thee vibe as we went down thee motorway towards Wiltshire was incredible, we pulled in at a service station and everybody in there was from thee tribe, people we hadn’t seen in years and all heading to thee same place, no-one could believe they had allowed us to come together again, we knew it was gonna be big, when thee mists descended at around 3am, thee whole landscape ov thee site changed, thee tops ov trees looked like islands on an endless sea to thee land ov faery, and as thee sun rose E felt charged with a spiritual energy, well to be frank that E have never experienced before or since, it was incredible, thee drumming in thee stones, thee gongs, thee circle ov flaming torches, there are many things to be said, we experienced every human and some non-human emotions in thee nervous system, E am positive to this day that E saw Pan that morning, in thee crowd, he blew fire onto thee rising sun as it crept over thee heel stone, E can’t put into words all thee things E experienced because some ov those things are wordless but it was thee most beautiful thing E think, E ever saw, E would recommend it to space-cadets everywhere, and know this, E will return to do it again for ever.(2006)
Spirit in flight
Thee tears E shed, thee fears E wed, E longed for death, E gasped for breath, thee smiles inside, thee powers arise, thee glint in eyes, thee spirit in flight, but still confused, E still feel bruised, but E will refuse, this self-abuse, and on E go, E grow to flow, thee hurt wont show, when thee time will go, so thee tears have cleared, E divorced thee fears, and thee smiles inside, now fill my eyes, and thee power arise to thee spirit in flight, to thee spirit in flight. (31/07/91)
PT17 (APV)
E am a member ov thee PT17, we’re out riding in our brand new APV, 9mm rifles and handguns in our car, let’s go find some sucker, it’s time to self-arm, if thee police have guns what is our best defence? If thee police have guns what is our best defence? If thee police have guns how can we fight back? If thee police have guns then we are under attack, in thee cars, on thee streets, armed and dangerous, shoot to kill, shoot for fun, shoot who they hate, we’ve got to stop them before it’s too late, pigs with guns, pigs don’t fly, pigs shoot niggers passing by, pigs with guns, racist scum, pigs shoot hippies high on drugs, pigs with guns, brainless, blind, pigs shoot anarchists, E wonder why? PT17, pigs with guns, pigs shoot innocents in cold blood. Watch this space, spygarism-make ov it what you will. (02/08/91)
Paranoid comedown
E feel pretty lousy, E am diseased with death, E have seen better days, guess my heads in a mess, my sandpaper skin, so sore, my sunken eyes, my aching bones inside, my throat so dry, E need an overhaul, E have failed my M.O.T., so there is a side-effect to taking LSD, this world’s so cruel and it is picking my brain, E don’t know who’s my faith, E don’t know who’s insane, there’s no hope for my future, there’s no hope for peace, E wish that E could rest, E only want to sleep, why am E condemned? Why do they persecute? E only want to be free to do what E wanna do, E don’t need your childish hang-ups, E don’t need control, E just need a better option than oppressed or dole, you wont stop me with your morals, cause E am too far gone, there’s no tricks to retrain me, E am a stubborn old dog, E just want to be alone, with thoughts that E create, it’s not me, it’s your world that makes me such a state. (1990)
Why didn’t you tell me?
E knew not where E had come from, it was all a mystery, but now E know thee sordid truth that you had hid from me, Was E a wishful thought? A last embrace? A product ov your love? Or was E just an accident? Another bastard son? Why didn’t you tell me? It would have made sense; E wouldn’t have suffered, for your defence, why didn’t you tell me? Cause you didn’t laugh, as E suffered at thee hands ov that psychopath, thee man E thought was my dad, has treated me like shit, E never had thee love my sister had when we were kids, you let that fucking animal take pieces ov my mind, now E know it doesn’t work, when you’re cruel to be kind, even now E never get thee breaks, you slowly watch me starve, ov all thee dreams E ever had, when E never had your love, Was E a wishful thought? A last embrace? A product ov your love? Or was E just an accident? Another bastard son? E am thee product ov your mistakes, but that’s no reason to treat me like one. (1989)
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