Jesus-Maria what brats
Flowers in a ba-ag, flowers in a box but nature cannot be destroyed by man made doors and locks, what have they done to thee boy? This isn’t normal, what have they done to thee boy? This isn’t normal, he has no respect for anything, everything, he’s in thee open, naked and wet, he hammers his head against thee wall, he pounds his brain against thee wall, his sisters seeing to him, his sisters seeing to him, he cant hear and he cant speak, his sisters seeing to him, he’s ravenous, mothers in thee garden, E am going there too, what have they done to thee boy? This isn’t normal, what have they done to thee boy? This isn’t normal, thee electric fence has come at last, thee pigs out in thee sun, thee mirror reflects paradise, thee electric fence has come, behind my back, you and your notions, thee dear departed, thee love explosion, you could go over for yourselves, you could go over for yourselves, spying on his tongue out sister, there’s more snow in town this winter, thee wind and rain and lightning digging, his sister cowering finger licking, what have they done to thee boy? He did it last night, what have they done to thee boy? There’s something not right, goodness how he’s grown, E am not saying another word, do something with him, goodness how he’s grown, thee trees replanted, thee seeds replanted, she’s not been thee same since she had thee boy, E will never understand that, these things happen, these things happen, its all right now, school makes people stupid, these are two ov thee clever ones, what has she done to thee boy? Thee lightning struck their eyes and hiding under thee covers they loved until they died. (17/07/91)
“…Thee great spirit, thee unified consciousness ov all that is. All life forms are to be respected and loved as part ov oneself, and this is not done only in thee philosophical sense ov sharing life upon this planet, but in thee belief that in an ultimate sense there is no separation” -Bill Schull
Hell thee hollow earth
E fall at once to visions ov streetlight love affairs, a menagerie ov wisdom spills forth behind my ears, shattering stars ov light explode a whim ov fools, like rockets from an inner void exploring new frontiers, expansion and retention ov what was lost to hate, to find what was forgotten in thee age ov mechanical man, E see thee world ov stage like thee family ov noise but their children would use thee tools ov illusion, to add to thee confusion, to find thee solution, thee puzzles ov god now forgotten, thee puzzles ov man re-appear, to end thee voiceless whisper that causes all thee fear. Funnily enough to not believe creates more confusion, more chaos but chaos is thee essence ov life, thee heart ov thee puzzle after all to win, thee game means taking an active part, not refusing to play that’s just unsociable….and rude (with no sexual meanings) perfection is a curse ov life, imperfections are real. (28/12/91)
My life is but a fleeting moment in our eternity, an audiovisual hallucination in our reality, but what is our eternity worth if E have to crawl like snakes? And what is our reality if E can’t make my own mistakes? O.U.R L.OV.E is not O.U.R home, O.U.R life is not O.U.R own, E can’t bear to be alone but E am always on my own, my words are just a precious second in O.U.R library, weaving more confusing traits in O.U.R society, but what is O.U.R library worth if all is not contained? And what is O.U.R society if it sends us all insane? Where do E fit in? Where are my brethren? Where can E slip in? Where is my soul? In marijuana’s shattered haze, inside my heart E learn to gaze, white angel cums, E raise and fall, E have still to learn to know ov all, in after-life in post ov age, in my will ov life will my feelings rage? Or will they fade like a lifeless man? And will E ever understand? What man has to do in life, what life has to do in man, why man has to kill and fight and bow to another man? My heart is fire ov power, E stoke my will ov flames, to manifest my spirit, to rise and then to change, my blood is pump ov iron, thee gold flows through my veins, metamorphosis in motion, E cum to reap my gain, auvantus, auvantus, auvantus. Thee flower resembles making love, thee union ov thee sexes, asexual and bisexual, thee orgy wine ov life. (03/01/92)
E have a reason
E search for my soul but it has cast me adrift, E am a fool for my pleasure but for that E must live, E am wounded with intellect, crime and belief, E am a church for my sinning, E have a reason to be, E am a transparent lighthouse in thee land ov thee dead, E am thee atom in thee cell in thee thoughts in my head, E am a curse for all seasons, for thee free bird ov truth, E am all ways forever, E have nothing to lose, E have every-thing to gain, to restore, to re-balance, to experience, to learn, to live for, yet to happen, to find unbelievers, to unite, fight for freedom, to hear thee calling, live to party, because E have a reason. (14/03/93)
“Nothing, in fact, is as universal or as ancient as thee iniquitous and absurd; truth and justice, on thee contrary, are thee least universal, thee youngest features in thee development ov human society” –Michael Bakunin
Stonehearted man
Thee world is ran by a stonehearted man, he don’t care about thee freedom plan, he just want to get what he can, thee world is ran by a stonehearted man, he sees himself above everybody else, his own self interest his power and wealth, he taking away thee books on my shelf, telling me what he thinks is good for my health, lying and cheating and killing and smiling, atom bomb piling, thee planet is dying, lying and cheating and smiling and killing, unemployment has taken my living, poison, frustration, destruction and death, are these thee only thoughts you have left? Murder and raping, controlling by force, got too much money, so bored, go to war! Cold you’re as cold as black ice, your insides, there is not one grain ov pure truth in your lies, cold you’re as cold as black ice, your insides, there is not one grain ov pure truth in your lies, thee world is ran by a stonehearted man, he just want to get what he can. (08/08/91)
Sister don’t want none ov this, brother don’t want none ov this, father don’t know who he his, mother don’t know who she is, every time was a fucked up time, every time was a wasted time, E don’t want to deal with this, she don’t want to deal with this, but that’s just thee way it is, that is just thee way it is, sister don’t want none ov this, brother don’t want none ov this.
Left alone in thee nowhere zone, by myself it don’t feel like home, E can’t break thee silence and speak, a conversation is so out ov reach, with my own eyes E can see, with my own voice E can’t talk, with my own heart E can feel, yet in my own snare E am caught, right beside me E sit, inside my own hole E still fit, beneath me earth above thee sky, watch confusion pass me by, buttoned lip and open heart, stripped and bleeding for my art, no-one knows how alone E feel, from thee end back to thee start, by myself it don’t feel like home…left alone in thee nowhere zone, like a forgone conclusion, like a forgone conclusion, E suffer illusion, E suffer illusion…alone. (09/08/91)
Uncertain information brings about a situation ov trouble, is this a drug related problem or don’t other people think? Paranoia will always exist in reality’s streets, thee light splits thee darkness into two, this will end badly, a man turned to stone but his head is alive….stonehead, things are getting out ov hand, prison or thee madhouse, are you crazy? It’s possible, you’re all in thee progress ov calling him a saint, subversion revolution have you heard what’s going on? we understand each other, ancestor Tashbash you don’t understand, they’ll lock you up for forming a sect or you’ll be committed, how can we make them change their minds? What can a man do to avoid being called a saint? Sin, you never can tell, that might do thee trick, never mind, E can’t hold back any longer, is Tashbash there? Said thee men dressed in white, nowhere to be seen. Late early, early late, earate lly, earete lly, erect my lady, erect my lady. (16/08/91)
“Civilisation has merely corrupted man, and, if he wants to be free and happy, he has to go ‘back to nature’….if nature is good, then pleasure does not offend her, and men and women should give themselves pleasure without shame” –Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Monday morning before light, can’t stop thinking ‘bout last night, love in a fever, lust in our trust but our filth is so dirty, it’s starting to rust, dripping like honey, you’re making me wet, steel through thee nipple, wolf in thee hand, E gasp and tell you E want you, you let me, you let me, push and it’s in, thee start ov thee cycle, transform all within, re-cleansing, re-generating a love from above, soul sisters and brothers like a mirror are we, to take time to whisper, with eyes closed we see, all that we have been and all that we can, and all that’s between us and all that we am, thee future ov our tribe is held in our loins, thee tribe that unites, thee tribe that re-joins, we choose now to focus on feelings impure, remove all theses forces and cast out thee door, we nourish each other and encourage ourselves, to take what we are given and make all things well, in love, in lust, in trust, in deed, from a word to a word, led to a word be free, finding that we are in control ov our emotions and destinies, we decide just how things can be, re-discovering that initial passion for each other, for others, for life, E can see it in your eyes, E can see it in your eyes, we are angels, we are blessed. (29/09/97)
Its Sunday morning can’t hear thee bells ringing, its Sunday morning can’t hear thee ozrics singing, but we kiss for tender, its so damp in your thighs, we kiss for passion, we’ve got that look in our eyes, and thee power rises its beyond comprehension, we don’t think but we act on our own intention, and E become thee man-wolf to your whimpering cries, and thee crystal explodes with coloured butterflies, and E hold you so tight as thee heat cools down, and thee music continues to make far out sounds, and we roll with thee feeling ov our satisfaction, coz thee throbbing ov pleasure is a timeless reaction, breathing in time with thee universe.
My tongue is deep between you, your thigh boots scratch my cheeks, my nails they dig in your white flesh, at last E feel complete, so let me taste your E.V.LOVE, this taste wasn’t made in no heaven above, it don’t need no money, it is thee perfect drug, we’ve all got thee E.V.LOVE in all ov us, my sword ov power plunging, in fine wines from your chalice, thee elixir from this ritual will not be used for malice, now open up for me, E plant my E.V seed, when full union is complete, we will have all we need, so let me taste your E.V.LOVE, this taste don’t come from no heaven above, E don’t need no money, E got thee perfect drug, we’ve all got thee E.V.LOVE in all ov us, control evolve, evolve control, control evolve, evolve control, you say you want an evolution well E know we just gotta save thee world, and you can be my evolution baby, thee objective ov an evolution, E have a dream, music from thee other side ov madness, all we need is drugs, la, la, la, la, la, all we need is drugs, la, la, la, la, la, , all we need is drugs, drugs, drugs is all we need, E.V.LOVE=EVOLVE. (04/07/91)
Slugs and sluts in thee orange garden, E washed my face and it disappeared, headless rainbow torso disco, and all E am is still not clear. (28/03/93)
“In human beings, sex is a response to ideas; and thee faculty that responds is thee imagination-which is only another name for thee sense ov reality” –Colin Wilson
Sometimes E still find a reason to feel alone, E know what E have got is part ov some peoples dreams, but E still need something else, to hold on to, E still need someone to understand me, E need a six foot mistress in a velvet dress, E need someone to tell me my life is a mess, and as thee zip comes down and you open thee front, E love it when you force my head against your cunt, yet sometimes E still find a reason to feel alone, E know what E have got is part ov some peoples dreams, but E still need something else to hold on to, E still need someone to understand me, E need to be restrained, E need to be abused, E need your sexual terror, can E die for you? And as you cut my flesh with thee sweat and thee blood, stand on my shoulders fuck my face with your cunt, sometimes E still find a reason to feel alone, E still need someone to understand me, its an epitaph for my life.
Inner space, outer world, thee trinity is out ov balance, death where are you now? (18/02/92)
E discuss
E stay up late every night, E sleep where E can in thee day, E put another tape in my video machine and dream in a nineties way, thee suburb crawls around my world but E don’t come out to play, E sit and watch thee hourglass suck my time away, where things get done eventually, where words are in my head, where smoke is now my safety valve and E sleep alone in bed, E breathe thee dark, avoid thee light, E lie around thee floor, E lost my faith, E lost my mind, E stepped right through thee doors, and no-one knows and no-one cares it seems for what E feel, but E am here and E can see what is and isn’t real, and all you hold so close and dear and keep as proof ov life, E find unreal in your beliefs you signed away your rights, to be free, to be whole, to be loved, eternity, to be true, to be high, to be someone, just like me, E am what E am parce que j’ai dit, E have many things to discuss, but no-one to discuss them with, E feel as lost as my tears, in thee rain ov my heart, E am found in thee haze ov love and confusion, E am destined to die when E have fallen apart, E was born in a moment ov love and betrayal, and what pumps through my veins is a dangerous drug, and E live in thee fight for a different tomorrow, where hell is a memory in thee chaos ov love.
6:55 am, its getting light, thee traffic begins to rumble, thee birds are still singing, thee world is beginning to wake up to thee call ov society, thee call ov morality, thee call ov thee machine, all consuming, all believing, all intriguing but never enough, no not enough for me, and E….? E am going to sleep (before E wake up) (28/02/92)
Thee love ov thee common, thee asylum ov dreams, thee witch finder general, thee doing ov deeds, thee needs ov thee mortal, thee calling ov night, thee mists ov thee future, where meaning has life, thee chord ov thee movement, thee destiny chance, in time for all seasons, E flow for my trance, where end explanations, beginnings renewed, in thunder incarnate, thee lightning ov truth. (30/02/92)
Thee pink neon strobe light bounced off thee gleam ov his smokescreen visor, tiny satellites winked in thee void ov his mirror black chromium headgear. Thee holotube above him ground to a halt, this new world was not thee same as thee world ov his youth, this street used to be thee haunt ov thee low lifers, thee dispossessed, strontium force cops were always to be seen chasing and arresting so-called offenders in their well known football terrace style. He flashbacked a time in his black attack days, he had just disembarked a holotube and been beamed out ov thee space embankment terminal, two stronts came running past him, electro batons poised, after some ‘run like fuck’ dude, they smashed him on thee back ov thee cranium, shoved him to thee ground and proceeded to kick thee ‘john majors’ out ov him, wild and crazy days but how it had changed, it was clean, modern, a stress free zone…..it was empty, lifeless and no longer held thee magick he had grown accustomed to expect, he would probably not return. (30/02/92)
Thee suburban hell acidhead blues
Stars in thee sky, E got love in my eyes, wages are spent on a gift heaven sent, world full ov doubt, well its time to freak out, you can’t go too far, hell suburbi-a, well man you’re walking around there’s no stars in thee sky, thee earth is cemented, can’t figure out why, in thee fields with thee flowers is where you wanna groove, but if you go to thee park you just get shit on your shoes, thee tower blocks threaten, thee roads never safe, a blanket ov debris will cover this place, thee oppression ov many, thee sick and thee poor, it’s a world full ov doubt and E can’t take anymore, in this life that’s like hell E have nothing to lose, E guess E got those suburban hell acid head blues, well all you see is pollution, all you see is thee grime, there’s another nights swindle in another nights crime, people locked up in prisons they believe is a home, there’s a curfew in force, can’t go out on your own, all thee ground is so filthy with take away grease, there’s no grass and no wildlife but theirs still thee police, there’s no chance for improvement, and thee only ways down, E got love in my eyes but its time to freak out, in this life that’s like hell E got nothing to lose, E guess E got those suburban hell acid head blues. (1990)
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