Lead your evil world
How can you stand there and say we are free while people starve and die? How can you suggest a true democracy when you control by force and lies? This is a sad world spilling many tears, this is a life built with prisons and fears, this is a bleak night where we are all lost, this is thee hell beneath thee shadow ov thee cross, you’ve beaten thee drive, you’ve lead me to despair, E see a world where people just don’t care, you promise a paradise, if E accept and die, but why can’t this be arcadia, E ask you WHY? So E have realised now your love is full ov hate, and E can see thee lies on your tormented face, you say thou shalt not kill, or break your law, as your Christian soldiers march on as to war, E despise your truth, E despise your god, you say you love but you do not, you abstained from pleasures and you got nowhere, so you take your revenge and curse all ov us here, but if we stop believing you will not exist, all your power comes from us, so now E insist, that your selfish evil will corrupt no more, there will be no control, there will be no laws, and chaos is a movement, since time began, and magick is thee power, and everyone can, and sex is a freedom, for all and one, and drugs are thee bridge between realities suns, and E curse all your evil, and you’re no longer worth a thought, Jesus Christ is thee devil for which all wars are fought, so no war means no Jesus, no hate, no control, no death and no sadness, loves power and rule. Why love one, when you could love all? One love, all love. Love all, love one, love. (12/11/90)
Happy mind
Well E found myself in a heap ov trouble, E got no respect and E got no way home, don’t wanna drink until E can see double, E guess E just wanna be left alone, E sold my soul for eight hours ov pleasure, E found my heaven right here on earth, and now E know pain ov untold measure, cause now E know that realities worse, E don’t wanna stick around to see what happens, apocalypse is just a street away, E just wanna groove with thee silken patterns, and save my worries for another day, E ain’t got no time for planning my future, every day is like a new lease ov life, E thank thee fuck E am still here to tutor, to make you understand, to make you realise, E am at my happiest when E am out ov my mind, E am at my happiest when E am out ov my mind, E am at my happiest when E am out ov my mind, E am at my happiest when E am out ov my mind. (1989)
Why? Thee hell?
You don’t have to say you love me, E just have to know you care, E can’t compete with my life right now unless E know there’s someone there, what thee hell am E gonna do? Thee sands ov time are running out, E hate thee way E have to try and exist on so much doubt, why do you mock and then condemn me? This is thee way E choose to be, E can’t abide by normality, E can only strive to be free, E have got no damned sense ov achievement, no stability on which to fall, why can’t you give me a purpose? To get my back from against thee wall. Why thee hell do E live, when there’s nothing to live for? Why thee hell am E here, if E am not needed anymore? Why thee hell do E dream, if they make my cold heart bleed? Why thee hell do E write, if no one will ever read? You don’t have to say you like me, you just have to know E am here, E don’t wanna waste my life away, when E am not making myself clear, this world gets worse day after day, when you’ve got nothing left to do, how can E be so radical, when there’s nothing left to prove? E don’t think you bastards realise, just how warped my brains become, my upbringing, your society, yes E guess there’s damage done, E only ever wanted to be able, to live, to create my art, but E sold my soul for my freedom goal and you took my mind apart. There’s so much damned injustice that you’re justice must be damned. (1990)
If E had a chance to rectify, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, if E had a chance to rectify, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change a fucking thing, so E was a bastard when E was born, so E got my kicks from filth and porn, so E sold myself to make money, so E took all thee drugs that E could see, so E mugged and robbed to pay thee rent, so E believed E was possessed, so E fought and bled and slept around, so E kicked that old man on thee ground, so E lost my friends and E lost my girl, so E never travelled around thee world, so E never knew a fathers love, so E constantly curse thee god above, and if E had thee chance, E would do it all again, and if E had thee money, you know that E would just spend, on drugs and drink and blowing out my brains, cause if E had thee chance, E would do it all again, If E had a chance to rectify, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, if E had a chance to rectify, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change, E wouldn’t change a fucking thing. (1989)
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