“There is life on earth-one life, which embraces every animal and plant on thee, planet. Time has divided it up into several million parts, but each is an integral part ov thee whole….we are all ov one flesh, drawn from thee same crucible. This is thee secret ov life. It means that there is constant communication not only between living things and their environment, but among all things living in that environment. An intricate web ov inter-action connects all life into one vast self-maintaining system. Each part is related to every other part and we are all part ov thee whole” Lyall Watson
Ship ov universe
Thee landscape ov thee inner mind, stretches out behind my eyes, thee winds ov space roll back and forth, they echo throughout time,
And thee colours whirlpool as E float through, and thee patterns form again,
There is no time; there is only space, within and outside my brain.
E stand upon thee turning deck on this ship ov universe,
Thee bow it creeks, thee wind it blows there’s no need to converse,
Thee world it spirals but never ends, its existence infinite,
This dimension has no barriers, no home truths to admit,
So now E know how all should be, without death without pain,
There’s no such thing as good or bad or year or month or day,
There is no light there is no dark, there’s no young or no old,
No male or female, only love ov existence ov all souls.
So set me free in this reality, in this land ov rules and money,
Because life is built on love and respect ov earth not milk and honey,
Why don’t people respect each other? We are all ov thee same blood,
Don’t learn to hate or you’ll choose your fate in a death deprived ov love,
There’s so many beautiful things to see, how can people kill and destroy,
Are you ignorant? Are you blind and deaf? Or are you someone else’s toy?
Just be yourself and free yourself and love this universe,
If everyone loved everything that’s here, we could escape this curse
Ov fascist lies and apocalypse guise, can’t you see there is no god,
Without control we can all be whole, we can all be found not lost,
We can then progress, there’s no worst and best, there’s no wrong and there’s no right, there’s just freedom ov mind and body and time and no need to hate and fight.
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