Hello world
Hello world, I’m outside ov you now, let me in and I’ll rot all your senses ov life and achievements, it’s not as it seems, nothing is real, reality is not reality, dreams are not dreams, they are one and thee same. We don’t sleep, we never sleep, we just jump from one dimension to thee other thee tired feeling you feel when you wake up is thee jet lag from swimming through thee thee seas ov time. It is ov course possible to get caught in one or other ov thee dimensions, we know them as comas, and/or schizophrenia. LSD can bridge thee gap, you can be in both dimensions at once or in no dimension at all, it is thee key to universal learning and galactic awareness. Be gone from here, travel through thee spiral circus, become another, become all others, retread thee emerald paths ov gods, like gods, as gods, become thee universe, you are thee universe, E dream, E walk, E walk, E dream, one and thee same, some and whole, wholesome, self, thyself, myself, all self, all one, one and all, E float, E dance, E scream, E run, E can exist for eternity, as eternity exists, be reborn, be anew, start again, begin again, always starting, never ending, thee endless stream ov experience, thee constant quest for knowledge, thee holy grail, thee prince ov princes, king ov kings, thee key, thee puzzle solved, thee answer lies, within thine eyes, no memory, just knowledge, E know, E am, E can, there is no can’t, there is no no, there is only know. Reality is thee confusion, reality is thee dimension with memory, reality is dreams, dreams therefore are reality, time does not exist, only now exists, no memories, no loss, constant gain, always pleasure, Saturdays child is Wednesdays world, never bored, never sleep, never cry except for joy, never stay always go, always forward, always there, always. Thee key to existence is thee denial ov reality.
“Everything alive communicates basically in thee same manner, it is subjective communication which we all have as children but as we grow up and start to use language we tend to lose this quality. Subjective communication allows you to say what you truly feel” Beatrice Lydecker
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