How do you dream?
As thee mushroom rains rise thee power in thee fields, and thee bell for thee end ov summer begins, me E dream ov you. In thee machine environment steel and steel, like an echo thee thunder quakes until, me E dream ov you. Worlds ov old meet words ov wise, E see the death ov thee sun king in thee ocean ov your eyes, you are thee treasure on which you cant put a price, me E dream ov you. Like a natural spring E am wound up tight, like thee flow ov thee water on a moonlit night, you are goddess incarnate, you are love on thee rocks as thee wave explodes and you soak my socks, me E dream ov you. As your pain and your longing spin your head upside down, kiss a greeting ov silence to thee dawn ov thee sound, throw your arms to the heavens, feel thee beat through your feet, welcome in a new insight, through new eyes see thee world, screw you courage to your heart, hold your head up in thee clouds, smile a way what does not matter, say it loud and say it proud, me E dream ov you. Endlessly thee questions ponder, endlessly thee feeling grows, we were born to move and wander, in this life ov highs and lows, there is no end to being let down, there is no end to be alone, only when we accept these feelings as part ov life can we let go, me E dream ov you. We belong to thee tribe with thee oldest history, we have right to thee mother like thee rivers free, we are part ov thee greatest love in existence, and one day they will all learn to see, it is we who are here in thee dawn ov creation and we who have sown our peoples seed, we are thee children ov the hidden teachings, we are thee builders ov forgotten dreams, me E dream ov you. Without you they are nothing, without me they are gone, without consent, without permission, without borders on and on, without huger, without money, without kings and without god, we have lived and tried and conquered all our fears so nothings wrong, we are what we be together, without hope we strive and ride thee surf into another sunset, thee words into another song, me E dream ov you. How do you dream?
“ Hear me four quarters ov thee world, a relative E am! Give me thee strength to walk thee soft earth, a relative to all that is! Give thee and me thee eyes to see strength to understand, that E may be like you. With your power only can E face winds “ Black Elk - Oglala Sioux
Age ov Aquarius
When delirium sets in, it’s a wonder you remember where you are, who you are and why you’re here, it’s a feeling ov total un-togetherness, it’s only thee sulphate keeping you upright, your brain tends to work slower, it’s easy to forget, it’s hard to get motivated, but it’s not un-enjoyable, it’s an effort that I’ve grown used to recently. This is some life I’ve carved out for myself in a kind ov nowhere/somewhere/everywhere direction, hard to explain, harder to classify, it’s harder to stop once you’ve started, you look for something definite to base reality on to stop you’re world crumbling away to dust, thee only thing that keeps coming up is thee chaos theory and thee revolutionary aspects ov thee new age and it’s growing so fast, everywhere you look now, it’s growing, crystals, awareness, thee mistrust ov power, thee revolution is rising like a phoenix from thee ashes ov a half dead world, then and only then will we be free to continue our race for thee better, to rebuild society, honesty and trust. We must build our own bomb, a love bomb so when it explodes it will wipe out all forms ov greed and selfishness completely. Thee beautiful purple mushroom cloud ov love will rise high in thee sky and thee love dust will scatter and settle on all forms ov life and land changing our world to thee beautiful garden ov Eden it was intended for, using all thee wonderful inventions and knowledge we have for thee good ov all, not just thee good ov few and helping us all to become intelligent and beautiful individuals, everyone is an artist if they’re taught to hold a brush, everyone is a philosopher if they’re taught to think, anyone can be anything, everyone can be everything, for everyone is part ov everything..We are all part ov each other and everything is part ov us, lets grow strong together, learn thee beauty ov respect, let us learn and decide together it’s thee only way…construction is better than destruction, community is better than solitude, to know is better than to not. This is thee age ov Aquarius. (09/07/90)
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