“Salvation does not lie where strong thrones are defended by swords, where thee smoke ov censers ascends to heaven or where thousands ov strong men pace thee rich fields ov harvest”-Adam Weishaupt
My soul is adrift but my mind is clear, I’m realising now that I really am here. I’m not going up and I’m not coming down, I’m not tired just awake and straight…. but not for long! It’s10. 11am and its time to get stoned, I prefer to spend thee day in a psychedelic haze, it’s so much more fun, it’s groovy you know, come on Kev build that peace machine up now! Feeling less with it now but more with it! If you know what I mean, or feel what I mean, all heal what I’ve seen, a dream machine, like a wondrous Spanish miracle I have been seen by only 40 or 50 Mexicans, lost in a time warp ov logic and confusion, chaotic but familiar thoughts spin out ov every orifice, I feel spiritually enlightened, religiously heightened, at one, all one with thee beauty and bountiful power ov thee cosmos .I want to fly in a tarnished roof garden full ov temples and tunnels, through which I can run and scream with heavenly emotion, baying and playing knowledge and seek with thee apostles ov all and all ov thee apostles. Crazed like a narcissus dementia, bullfrogs and toadstools guide my way, their ravishing tongues gently teasing me through thee mazes ov puzzles that lie before me, hoping to gain entry to thee banana milkshake intensity ov thee garden ov even. I kiss the butter stalk lips ov thee great marsh willow toxicant and slip gently and slide to thee feet ov thee altar ov humungous hallucinogens, I praise thee oh motherlord beingcreature, I offer my left breast and 4 tooth bowls in forgiveness for thee. I scream out thee name ov swigglynarthboid, thrice for thee, I put 4b pencil ends deep within my nostrils and snort for thee power ov schneegzoid, I am at once and always…stoned.
: There is some evidence that part ov thee mind is in touch with everything in thee universe, ignoring form, space and time…Bill Schull
What happened to thee beautiful? Kew gardens was beautiful you know, really beautiful, Pink Floyd relics is beautiful, forests are beautiful, thee flowers, thee trees, animals, thee sky, clouds, rainbows, thee stars thee moon, thee Sun, Violins, Mandolins, Tambourines, Birdsong, dolphins, thee sea, thee sand, mountains, lakes, statues, fountains, waterfalls, rain, nature is beautiful why is it being destroyed? That’s thee only true sadness, thee destruction ov beauty. Thee cities are not beautiful, they’re ugly, grey, depressing, so this is how far you’ve taken your technology is it? You steal, cheat and destroy others to make yourselves look great. It’s a crime, we should use technology to take us back to the beauty of nature, use our knowledge for good not ill, belief in the age of Aquarius, worship ov thee earth mother, thee understanding ov Chaos is to go with thee flow. It’s impossible to organize, it won’t organize, it can’t, and it’s unpredictable. All things matter and nothing should be destroyed, no form ov life deserves destruction, and we should endeavour to learn about each other and to create a billion separate individuals each with their own individual ways ov life. We should never be told no, we should know what is right and what is wrong, our parents and thee government make thee laws and we obviously break them. We were not meant to survive under another individual’s law, only our own. Thee only laws that stand true are thee laws ov nature, no destruction only creation, no lies only truth, no wars only peace, an open mind is a freer soul, a freer mind is an open soul, don’t follow my rules just understand my way ov thinking. Money is a disease that no one understands, thee only thing you should endeavour to own is experience and thee need to create your own art based on these experiences.
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