Begone thee entrapment of reality…. you’re mind is a prison forged upon you by parents, upbringing, thee government and society. There is a key to celestial enchantment, if you find thee key then you may seek enlightenment, once you have travelled into thee subconscious you will learn thee true perception ov thee universe. Only through constant journeys can you find thee mysteries ov time, life and thee next world. Do not be fooled by what is real and visual, all is not always as it seems, reality is a tainted place, a false vision ov lies and un-truths, only you can decide what is true and what is false, only you can choose your life in this dimension. There is nothing that can be said to stop you believing in yourself and your personal conceptions ov thee mind, body and soul, who is to say you are wrong? Do not follow like sheep because others who do are blind to their feelings and subject to their pre-destined fate. You have thee keys to thee universe, it is a magickal power, why do you think thee powers that be condemn it and want to punish you for its use? They do not want you to be free ov your mindcage, they want you to do as they say, that way they remain in thee high-class bracket ov their so-called existence. Tear down thee walls ov oppression, a revolution ov thee soul is more important than thee revolution on thee streets, for a revolution ov thee soul will give us thee knowledge and power to destroy them without death or imprisonment, and without violence we can and will beat them with an oppression free mind. Thee only time we can be happy in work is if we are working for ourselves and for thee benefit ov thee community in which we abide. There will be no low paid employment after thee revolution, no profit, no shares and no percentages, we can rid thee world ov money and all ov its problems. People will make things and give them away, we will grow things to compensate thee making, we will dig up motorways and replant trees, we will ban thee car and ride bicycles they are cheap to make and cost effective to run or we will return to thee horse, thee sacred horse ov Albion. Things were much easier in thee past so we should learn from it, there will be no prisons, you should never take a persons freedom, if a crime is committed it will be up to thee community to decide what is best, there will be no death penalty, thee ultimate punishment being banishment, or turning into stone. People shall not make music for money but make it for themselves, and for the people who choose to listen. There will be no dress codes or fashions; people should dress how they feel and how they like. People will learn to share again, if everybody wanted to share there would be no greed, a world without greed is a world without sin. We will need no weapons, for we are all humans, why should we want to wipe out people ov our own race? No other races ov beings do so, so why do we? It is a cruel world to which we have been born; only our generation can change it for a better place. Open your mind to freedom and gain a worthwhile power ov emotion. Know all, be all and see all. From those who have gone before I pay respect :Albert Hoffman, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Hunter S Thompson, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, Syd Barrett, Jello Biafra, Albert Einstein, William Burroughs, Aliester Crowley, Genesis P Orridge, Jimi Hendrix, And to bands such as Thee Beatles, Thee Doors, Thee Rolling Stones, Thee Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Pink Floyd, Conflict, Hawkwind, Thee Dead Kennedy’s, Spacemen 3, Thee Butthole Surfers, Gaye Bykers on Acid, Psychic TV
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